Member of the Genome Team
Researcher CNRS
PhD student Paris VII University (1990), HDR (2003)
+33 (0)1 69 15 49 72
Research topics
Molecular evolution of alpha-amylase genes and proteins in Metazoa. Functional evolution and adaptation; gene duplications and multigene families; intron evolution; horizontal or lateral gene transfer.
Alpha-amylase is a major enzyme of nutrition metabolism. It hydrolyses starch and other carbohydrates such as glycogene in smaller sugars (maltose). Amylase is present throughout the living world, Bacteria, Archae, Plants, Fungi, Animals.
In many organisms, it has been shown that the coding gene for alpha-amylase, Amy, exists in several copies. The duplications may have occurred independently even in closely related lineages. We aim at understanding the evolutionary significance of this tendency to get multiple Amy genes, with regard to the function of the enzyme, and the gene divergences in sequence and expression patterns.
Some species are suitable models in this study. This is the case of Drosophila ananassae from which seven genes were cloned, more or less related to each others. They were localized on several chromosomal arms and show different expression patterns. In addition, the intron-exon structure may be different not only between species but also among the copies of a single species. This lead us to investigate more carefully the evolutionary history of the Amy gene structure in Animals, and more generally use it as a case study of the dynamics of introns.
We are also interested in the evolution of the alpha-amylase protein itself. We have sought recurrent natural variations in the animal kingdom, which may be indicative of adaptation at the molecular level, and what do these adaptations consist in. After detection of several such motifs of interest, we aim at studying more functionally the observed variations by enzymatic engineering, by in vitro production of a control amylase, and several mutants harboring the recurrent variations observed in nature.
FELLER G., BONNEAU M. and DA LAGE, J.-L. (2021). Amyrel, a novel glucose-forming α-amylase from Drosophila with 4-α-glucanotransferase activity by disproportionation and hydrolysis of maltooligosaccharides. Glycobiology. 31 (9):1134-1144.
MULLER H., OGEREAU D., DA LAGE J.-L., CAPDEVIELLE C., POLLET N., FORTUNA T., JEANNETTE R., KAISER L. and GILBERT C. (2021). Draft genome of the Mediterranean corn borer, Sesamia nonagrioides, a major pest of maize. Genes, Genomes, Genetics. 11(7):jkab155. doi: 10.1093/g3journal/jkab155.
BICHANG’A G. B., DA LAGE J.-L., SAMBAI K., MULE S., LE RU B., KAISER L., JUMA G., MAINA, E. N. and CALATAYUD P.-A. (2020). Salivary α-amylase of stem borer hosts determines host recognition and acceptance for oviposition by Cotesia spp. (Hymenoptera, Braconidae). In : Calatayud, P.-A., Clarke, C. W., Sforza, R. F. H., Ndemah, R. N., Nyamukondiwa, C., eds. (2020). Parasitoids’ Ecology and Evolution. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. DOI: 10.3389/978-2-88963-480-4
DESIDERATO A., BARBEITOS M., GILBERT C. and DA LAGE J.-L. (2020). Horizontal transfer and gene loss shaped the evolution of alpha-amylases in bilaterians. Genes, Genomes, Genetics. 10(2):709-719.
DA LAGE J.-L., THOMAS G. W. C., BONNEAU M. and COURTIER-ORGOGOZO V. (2019). Evolution of salivary glue genes in Drosophila species. BMC Evol. Biol. 19 :36. DOI: 10.1186/s12862-019-1364-9
BICHANG’A G., DA LAGE J.-L., SAMBAI K., MULE S., LE RU B., KAISER-ARNAULD L., JUMA G., MAINA E. N. and CALATAYUD P.-A. (2018). Salivary α-amylase of stem borer hosts determines host recognition and acceptance for oviposition by Cotesia spp. (Hymenoptera, Braconidae). Front. Ecol. Evol. 6 : DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2018.00228
DA LAGE J-L. (2018) The amylases of insects. Int. J. Insect Sci. 10 :1-14.
BICHANG’A G., DA LAGE J-L., CAPDEVIELLE-DULAC C., ZIVY M., BALLIAU T., SAMBAI K., LE RU B., KAISER-ARNAULD L., JUMA G., NJOKI MWANGI MAINA E., and CALATAYUD P.-A. (2018) α-Amylase Mediates Host Acceptance in the Braconid Parasitoid Cotesia flavipes. J. Chem Ecol. 44 (11) :1030-1039.
DA LAGE J-L. (2017) An optional C-terminal domain is ancestral in α-amylases of bilaterian animals. Amylase 1:24-36
CLAISSE G., FELLER G., BONNEAU M., DA LAGE J-L. (2016) A single amino-acid substitution toggles chloride dependence of the alpha-amylase paralog amyrel in Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila virilis species. Insect Biochem. Mol. Biol. 75:70-77
COMMIN C., AUMONT-NICAISE M., CLAISSE G., FELLER G., DA LAGE J-L. (2013) Enzymatic characterization of recombinant α-amylase in the Drosophila melanogaster species subgroup: is there an effect of specialization on digestive enzyme? Genes Genet. Sys. 88:251-259
DA LAGE J.-L., BINDER M., HUA VAN A., JANECEK S., CASANE D. (2013) Gene make-up: rapid and massive intron gains after horizontal transfer of a bacterial alpha-amylase gene to Basidiomycetes. BMC Evol. Biol. 13: 40
CHAUMOT A., DA LAGE J-L., MAESTRO O., MARTIN D., IWEMA T., BRUNET F., BELLES X., LAUDET V., BONNETON F. ( 2012) Molecular adaptation and resilience of the insect’s nuclear receptor USP. BMC Evol. Biol. 12: 199
CIPOLLA A., DELBRASSINE F., DA LAGE J-L., FELLER G. (2012) Temperature adaptation in psychrophilic, mesophilic and thermophilic chloride-dependent alpha-amylases. Biochimie 94(9): 1943-1950
FELLER G., DEHARENG D., DA LAGE J-L. (2011) How to remain non-folded and pliable: the linkers in modular alpha-amylases as a case study. FEBS J. 278: 2333
DA LAGE J-L., MACZKOWIAK F. , CARIOU M-L. (2011) Phylogenetic distribution of intron positions in alpha-amylase genes of Bilateria suggests numerous gains and losses. PLoS ONE 6(5): e19673
YASSIN A.,DA LAGE J.L., DAVID J.R., KONDO M., MADI-RAVAZZI L., PRIGENT S., TODA M.J. (2010) Polyphyly of the Zaprionus Genus Group (Diptera: Drosophilidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 55: 335
YASSIN A., AMABIS J.M., DA LAGE J-L., DEBIAIS-THIBAUD M., DAVID J.R. (2010). On the relationship between Zaprionus spinipilus Chassagnard & McEvey and Z. vittiger Coquillett, the type species of the genus Zaprionus (Diptera: Drosophilidae). Ann. Soc. Entomol. Fr. 46 (3-4)
MCEVEY S. F., SCHIFFER M., DA LAGE J-L., DAVID J. R., LEMEUNIER F., JOLY D., CAPY P. , CARIOU M-L. (2008) Comments on the proposed conservation of usage of Drosophila Fallén, 1823 (Insecta, Diptera). Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 65(2): 147
LEGENDRE A., MIAO X.X., DA LAGE J.-L., WICKER-THOMAS, C. (2008) Evolution of a desaturase involved in female pheromonal cuticular hydrocarbon biosynthesis and courtship behavior in Drosophila. Insect Biochem Mol. Biol. 38(2): 244
SCHäRER L., DA LAGE J.-L., JOLY D. (2008) Evolution of testicular architecture in the Drosophilidae: a role for sperm length. BMC Evol. Biol. 8: 143
YASSIN, A., ARARIPE, L.O., CAPY, P., DA LAGE, J-L., KLACZKO L.B., MAISONHAUTE C., OGEREAU D., DAVID J.R. (2008) Grafting the molecular phylogenetic tree with morphological branches to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the genus Zaprionus (Diptera : Drosophilidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 47: 903
DA LAGE J-L, DANCHIN E.G.J., CASANE D. (2007) Where do animal alpha-amylases come from? An interkingdom trip. FEBS Letters 581(21): 3927-3935
DA LAGE, J-L., KERGOAT, G. J., MACZKOWIAK, F., SILVAIN, J-F., CARIOU, M-L. and LACHAISE, D. (2007) A phylogeny of Drosophilidae using the Amyrel gene: questioning the Drosophila melanogaster species group boundaries. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 45(1): 47
PREAT, T., DA LAGE, J-L., COLLEAUX, L., DIDELOT, G., MOLINARI, F., TCHENIO, P., MILHIET, E., MUNNICH, A., AND CARIOU, M-L. (2007) Response to comment on “Tequila, a neurotrypsin ortholog, regulates long-term memory formation in Drosophila. Science 316: 1698
MACZKOWIAK, F.,DA LAGE, J-L. (2006) Origin and evolution of the Amyrel gene in the alpha-amylase family of Diptera. Genetica 128: 145
DA LAGE J-L., FELLER G., JANECEK S. (2004) Horizontal gene transfer from Eukarya to Bacteria: the alpha-amylase model. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 61(1): 97
DA LAGE, J-L, MAISONHAUTE, C., MACZKOWIAK, F., CARIOU, M-L. (2003) A nested alpha-amylase gene in Drosophila ananassae. J. Mol. Evol. 57(3): 355
ZHANG Z., INOMATA N., CARIOU M-L, DA LAGE J-L., YAMAZAKI, T. (2003) Phylogeny and evolution of the amylase multigenes in Drosophila montium species subgroup. J. Mol. Evol. 56: 121
DA LAGE J-L, VAN WORMHOUDT A., CARIOU M-L (2002) Diversity and evolution of the alpha-amylase genes in animals. Biologia, Bratislava 57: 181
CARIOU ML., SILVAIN J-F., DAUBIN V., DA LAGE J-L., LACHAISE D. (2001) Divergence between Drosophila santomea and allopatric or sympatric populations of D. yakuba using paralogous amylase genes and migration scenarios along the Cameroon volcanic line. Mol. Ecol. 10: 649
DA LAGE, J.-L., MACZKOWIAK, F., CARIOU, M.-L. (2000) Molecular characterization and evolution of the amylase multigene family of Drosophila ananassae. J. Mol. Evol 51: 391
RICHARDS G., DA LAGE J-L., HUET F. and RUIZ C. (1999) The acquisition of competence to respond to ecdysone in Drosophila is transcript specific. Mech. Dev. 82(82): 131
DA LAGE J-L, RENARD E, CHARTOIS F, LEMEUNIER F, CARIOU M-L (1998) Amyrel, a paralogous gene of the amylase gene family in Drosophila melanogaster and the Sophophora subgenus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95: 6848
DA LAGE J-L., KLARENBERG A., CARIOU M-L. (1996) Sex-, stage- and tissue-specific expression of amylase genes in Drosophila ananassae. Heredity 76: 9
DA LAGE J-L., WEGNEZ M., CARIOU M-L.(1996) Distribution and evolution of introns in Drosophila amylase genes. J. Mol. Evol. 43: 334
HUET F., DA LAGE J-L., RUIZ C., RICHARDS G. (1996) The role of ecdysone in the induction and maintenance of hsp27 transcripts during larval and prepupal development of Drosophila. Dev. Genes Evol. 206: 326
CARIOU M-L., DA LAGE J-L. (1993) Isozyme polymorphisme. In: Drosophila ananassae, genetical and biological aspects. YN Tobari, Ed., Japan Scientific Societies Press, Karger, Tokyo 0: 160
DA LAGE J-L., CARIOU M-L. (1993) Organisation and structure of the amylase gene cluster. In: Drosophila ananassae, genetical and biological aspects. YN Tobari, Ed., Japan Scientific Societies Press, Karger, Tokyo 0: 171
DA LAGE J-L., LEMEUNIER F., CARIOU M-L., DAVID J.R. (1992) Multiple amylase genes in Drosophila ananassae and related species. Genet. Res. Camb. 59: 85
DA LAGE J-L, CAPY, P., DAVID, J.R. (1990) Starvation and desiccation tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster: differences between European, North African and Afrotropical populations. Genet. Sel. Evol. 22: 381
DA LAGE J-L., CAPY P., DAVID J.R. (1989) Starvation and desiccation tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster adults: effects of environmental temperature. J. Insect Physiol. 35(6): 453
DA LAGE J-L., CARIOU M-L., DAVID J.R. (1989) Geographical polymorphism of amylase in Drosophila ananassae and its relatives. Heredity 63: 67