A mission in Indonesia

Jonathan Filée, Philippe le Gall and Pierre-Olivier Maquart went to Indonesia for a mission in the Technologic Institute of Bandung, to deliver three conferences with 80 students attending. They visited production plants of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) in the technologic Institute of Bandung and in a local producer in Bandung. They enjoyed food based …

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Master 2 Internship Proposal 2024-2025

Exploration of the Influence of Geographic/Ecological Proximity on the Rate of Horizontal Transfer of Transposable Elements Between Species: The Drosophilidae as a Study Model Contact : Aurélie Hua-Van (Equipe Evolution et Génome) aurelie.hua-van@universite-paris-saclay.fr Laboratoire Evolution, Génomes, Comportement, Ecologie – Université-Paris-Saclay- CNRS – Gif-sur-Yvette. Keywords :  Transposable elements, Genomics, Evolution, Horizontal transfer, Drosophila Transposable elements (TEs) are genetic …

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Land school in Cameroon

Philippe Le Gall and Pierre-Olivier Maquart are back from a land school in Cameroon. It was held from 13th to 22th of May. Teachers from IRD, CNRS and Universities of Cameroon and France plus GNO were present. It allowed to show students from the universities of Diala and Youndé what is insect biodiversity. It was …

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Found in Perspectives Agricoles

Laure Kaiser-Arnauld et Taia Fortuna published with a colleague from Arvalis an article published in Perspectives Agricoles. It is about the utilization of Cotesia to kill Sesamia. Research is still ungoing.

Methodologies Genomes and Evolution

Methodologies Evolution and Genomes We develop experimental, bioinformatics, and theoretical approaches. Our models are mainly Animals such as Arthropods (Diptera including Drosophila, Parasitic wasps, Pillbugs, black soldier flies) and Amphibians. They are either model organisms reared in the lab or collected from the wild. To study the genomes and their evolution, we rely on NGS …

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Mission in Guyana

Nicolas Pollet and Isabelle Clavereau (Pôle Génomes) went in Guyana for about 10 days to help teaching Field Metagenomics to guyanese scientists. It was in the framework of a thematic school with the financial support of the CEBA labex and France Génomique. Image @M. Collet.

Scientific results

Héloïse Bastide (Pôle écologie) and collaborators published an article in Current Biology dealing with the genomic convergence between Braula and its host, the bee. This article was the besis for an article on the web site of CNRS EE: https://www.inee.cnrs.fr/fr/cnrsinfo/aux-origines-de-la-socialite-la-piste-inattendue-de-braula-coeca-une-drosophile-parasite. Bastide, H., Legout, H., Dogbo, N., Ogereau, D., Prediger, C., Carcaud, J., Filée, J., Garnery, …

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