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Kelomey, A., A. Paraiso, H. Sina, H. Legout, A. Adjanohoun, L. Garnery & L. Baba-Moussa (2017) Genetic variability of the mitochondrial DNA in honeybees (Apis mellifera L) from Benin. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, A7, 557-566.
Kelomey, A. E., A. Paraiso, H. Sina, H. Legout, L. Garnery & L. Baba-Moussa (2017) Genetic characterization of the honeybee ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor from Benin (West Africa) using mitochondrial and microsatellite markers. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 72, 61-67. 10.1007/s10493-017-0141-y.
Chavez-Galarza, J., L. Garnery, D. Henriques, C. J. Neves, W. Loucif-Ayad, J. S. Jonhston & M. Alice Pinto (2017) Mitochondrial DNA variation of Apis mellifera iberiensis: further insights from a large-scale study using sequence data of the tRNA(leu)-cox2 intergenic region. Apidologie, 48, 533-544. 10.1007/s13592-017-0498-2.
Miguel, I., L. Garnery, M. Iriondo, M. Baylac, C. Manzano, W. S. Sheppard & A. Estonba (2015) Origin, evolution and conservation of the honey bees from La Palma Island (Canary Islands): molecular and morphological data. Journal of Apicultural Research, 54, 427-440.
Loucif-Ayad, W., M. Achou, H. Legout, M. Alburaki & L. Garnery (2015) Genetic assessment of Algerian honeybee populations by microsatellite markers. Apidologie, 46, 392-402.
Cens, T., M. Rousset, C. Collet, M. Charreton, L. Garnery, Y. Le Conte, M. Chahine, J.-C. Sandoz & P. Charnet (2015) Molecular characterization and functional expression of the Apis mellifera voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 58, 12-27.
Bertrand, B., M. Alburaki, H. Legout, S. Moulin, F. Mougel & L. Garnery (2015) MtDNA COI-COII marker and drone congregation area: An efficient method to establish and monitor honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) conservation centres. Molecular Ecology Resources, 15, 673-683.
Achou, M., W. Loucif-Ayad, H. Legout, H. Hmidan, M. Alburaki & L. Garnery (2015) An insightful molecular analysis reveals foreign honeybees among algerian honeybee populations (Apis mellifera L). Journal of Data Mining Genomics Proteomics, 6, 2153-0602.
Pinto, A., D. Henriques, J. Chavez-Galarza, P. Kryger, L. Garnery, R. van der Zee, B. Dahle, G. Soland-Reckeweg, P. de la Rua, R. Dall’Olio, N. L. Carreck & J. S. Johnston (2014) Genetic integrity of the Dark European honey bee (Apis mellifera mellifera) from protected populations: a genome-wide assessment using SNPs and mtDNA sequence data. Journal of Apicultural Research, 53, 269-278.
Junca, P., J. Carcaud, S. Moulin, L. Garnery & J.-C. Sandoz (2014) Genotypic Influence on Aversive Conditioning in Honeybees, Using a Novel Thermal Reinforcement Procedure. Plos One, 9.
PAPACHRISTOFOROU A, RORTAIS A, ZAFEIRIDOU G, THEOPHILIDIS G, GARNERY L, ARNOLD G and 2007 Smothered to death: hornets asphyxiated by honeybees Current Biology 17(18): 0
MIGUEL I, IRIONDO M, GARNERY L, SHEPPARD W.S and ESTONBA A 2007 Gene flow within the M evolutionary lineage of Apis mellifera:role of the Pyrenees, isolation by distance and post glacial re-colonization routes in the Western Europe. Apidologie 38: 141
STRANGE J.P, GARNERY L and SHEPPARD W.S 2007 Morphological and molecular characterization of the Lande honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) ecotype for genetic conservation J. Insect Conservation DOI 10: 7
STRANGE J.P, GARNERY L and SHEPPARD W.S 2007 Persistence of the Landes ecotype of Apis mellifera mellifera in southwest France: confirmation of a locally adaptive annual brood cycle trait. Apidologie 38: 259
RORTAIS A, ARNOLD G and GARNERY L 2006 Analyse de la biodiversité de l’abeille en France. Première partie: l’origine maternelle des colonies. Abeilles et Fleurs 668: 27
RORTAIS A, ARNOLD G and GARNERY L 2005 Analyse de la biodiversité de l’abeille en France. Première partie: l’origine maternelle des colonies. Abeilles de France 918: 429
PERRIER C, STRANGE J, LANGELLA O, SHEPPARD W.S and GARNERY L 2003 Diversité génétique, introgressions mitochondriales et nucléaires dans une population d’abeilles des Landes de Gascogne. Acte du BRG 4: 79
SOLIGNAC M., VAUTRIN D., LOISEAU A., MOUGEL F., BAUDRY E., ESTOUP A., GARNERY L., HABERL M. and CORNUET J.-M. 2003 Five hundred and fifty microsatellite markers for the study of the honey bee (Apis mellifera) genome. Mol. Ecol. Notes 3(2): 307
FRANCK P, GARNERY L, LOISEAU B.P, OLDROYD H.R, HEPBURN M, SOLIGNAC M and CORNUET J.M 2001 Genetic diversity of the Honey bee in Africa: microsatellite and mitochondrial data. Heredity 86: 420
FRANCK P, GARNERY L, CELEBRANO G, SOLIGNAC M and CORNUET J.M 2000 Hybrid origins of Honeybees from Italy (Apis mellifera ligustica) and Sicily (A.m sicula) Molecular Ecology 9(7): 907
FRANCK P, GARNERY L, SOLIGNAC M and CORNUET J.M 2000 Molecular confirmation of a fourth lineage in honeybees from near east. Apidologie 31: 167
FRANCK P, COUSSY H, LECONTE Y, SOLIGNAC M, GARNERY L and CORNUET J.M 1999 Microsatellite analysis of sperme admixture in Honey bee. Ins. Mol. Biol. 8: 419
BAUDRY E, SOLIGNAC M, GARNERY L, GRIES M, CORNUET J.M and KOENIGER N 1998 Relatedness among honeybees (Apis mellifera) of a drone congregation. Proc R. Soc. Lond. 0: 1
FRANCK P, GARNERY L, SOLIGNAC M and CORNUET J.M 1998 The origin of West European subspecies of honeybees (Apis mellifera): new insights from microsatellite and mitochondrial data. Evolution 52: 1119
GARNERY L, FRANCK P, BAUDRY E, VAUTRIN D, CORNUET J.M and SOLIGNAC M 1998 Genetic biodiversity of the West european honey bee (Apis mellifera and A.m iberica) I: Mitochondrial DNA. Gen. Sel. Evol. 30(1): 31
GARNERY L, FRANCK P, BAUDRY E, VAUTRIN D, CORNUET J.M and SOLIGNAC M 1998 Genetic biodiversity of the West european honey bee (Apis mellifera and A.m iberica) II: Microsatellite loci. Gen. Sel. Evol. 30(1): 49
SHEPPARD W.S, RINDERER T.E, GARNERY L and SHIMANUKI H 1998 Analysis of Africanized bee mitochondrial DNA reveals further Diversity of origin. Genetics and Molecular Biology 22(1): 73
ESTOUP A, GARNERY L, SOLIGNAC M and CORNUET J.M 1995 Microsatellite variation in honey bee (Apis mellifera) populations: hierarchical genetic structure and test of the infinite allel and stepwise mutation models Genetics 140: 679
GARNERY L, MOSSHINE E.H and CORNUET J.M 1995 Mitochondrial DNA variation in Morrocan and Spannish honey bee populations. Molecular Ecology 4: 465
MORITZ R.F.A, CORNUET J.M, KRYGER P, GARNERY L and HEPBURN H.R 1994 Mitochondrial DNA variability in south african honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) Apidologie 25: 169
GARNERY L, SOLIGNAC M, CELEBRANO G and CORNUET J.M 1993 A simple test using restricted PCR-amplified mitochondrial DNA to study the genetic structure of Apis mellifera L. Experientia 49: 1016
GARNERY L, CORNUET J.M and SOLIGNAC M 1992 Evolutionary history of the honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) inferred from mitochondrial DNA analysis. Molecular Ecology 3: 145
CORNUET J.M and GARNERY L 1991 Mitochondrial DNA variability in honeybees and its phylogeographic implications. Apidologie 22: 627
CORNUET J.M, GARNERY L and SOLIGNAC M 1991 Putative origin and function of the intergenic ragion between COI and COII of Apis mellifera L. mitochondrial DNA Genetics 128: 393
GARNERY L, VAUTRIN D, CORNUET J.M and SOLIGNAC M 1991 Phylogenetic relationships in the genus Apis inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequence data. Apidologie 22: 87
SMITH D.R, PALOPOLI M.F, TAYLOR B.R, GARNERY L, CORNUET J.M, SOLIGNAC M and BROWN W.M 1991 Geographical overlap of two mitochondrial genomes in Spanish honeybees (Apis mellifera). J. Hered. 82: 96