Evolution et Plasticite des Capacites Cognitives

Theme de Recheche

Memory plays a crucial role in the development of animals’ behavior, their survival and their reproductive success. As a product of evolution variation in memory capacities have been observed among species and populations of the same species. Evolutionary studies on animal cognition have mainly focused on the fitness benefits of memory while neglecting costs. However, the extent to which natural selection favors investment in developing good memory will depend on the balance between its costs and benefits, balance which may depend on environmental conditions. A relationship between environmental conditions and memory evolution has been hypothesized but poorly studied despite its importance in the understanding of behavioral plasticity and adaptation. Using drosophila as a model system we study the genetic and environmental variation of learning and memory, the costs associated with memory storage and the relationship among the different memory phases

Mots clés :

Apprentissage, Memoire, PLasticite Comportementale, Drosophila .

Les membres de l’équipe :

Chercheurs et Enseignants-chercheurs

Frédéric Méry, Chargé de recherche CNRS. Evolution et Plasticité des Capacités Cognitives.

Post Doctorants

James Burns, Chercheur associé CNRS sur contrat ATIP. Effet de l’environnement pendant le développement précoce ainsi que du vieillissement sur les capacités de mémoires.
Julien Foucaud, Post-doctorant sur financement ERC. Etude des variations interspécifiques de la mémoire. Apprentissage Spatial
Nancy Kohn, Post-doctorante sur financement ERC. Apprentissage, mémoire.


Fabrice Lagasse, Doctorant. Apprentissage, mémoire.
Christopher Réaume, Doctorant, en partenariat avec l’Université de Toronto. Apprentissage, mémoire.
Clara Howcroft-Ferreira, Doctorante. Apprentissage, mémoire.

Ingénieurs et Techniciens

Céline Moreno, Ingénieure d’étude sur projet européen (ERC Starting Grant). Apprentissage, mémoire.


Marine Battesti, Stagiaire M2 Ethologie fondamentale et comparée (Université Paris 13). Sujet de stage: apprentissage culturel des choix de cycle de ponte. Co-encadrement Dominique Joly, Frédéric Mery.
Pauline Van Laere, Stagiaire M2 Ethologie fondamentale et comparée (Université Paris 13). Sujet de stage: apprentissage spatial chez la drosophile. Co-encadrement Frédéric Mery, Julien Foucaud.

Les anciens

Romain Antoine, Technicien sur financement ERC. Apprentissage, mémoire.
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