The “Mobile Genetic Elements” team We are interested in mobile genetic elements, mainly transposables elements (TEs), and and in their short- and long-term impact on host genome evolution. Our main thematics are: Mobile elements evolution and dynamics, in genomes and populations. Influence of host and abiotic factors on the regulation of transposable elements activity Influence of non-autonomous transposable elements (hyperparasites) on the amplification dynamics. Impact of mobile elements on genome organization and function, notably, the role of TEs and viruses in lateral gene transfers. Biologic systems and genome evolution: the evolution of genotype-phenotype relationships and the evolution of epistasis and gene networks, through theoretical and experimental approaches. We are using bioinformatics and molecular approaches. The experimental part uses drosophila (Drosophila melanogaster ou D. simulans), and the transposable element mariner as models. Bioinformatic is used to develop tools necessary for genome analysis in conjunction with a theoretical approach that serves defining models that are tested through population genetic simulations keywords : Transposable elements, DNA transposons mariner, Drosophila melanogaster, Drosophila simulans, genomics Team members Researchers Aurélie Hua-Van (head of the team), Assistant Professor at Paris-Sud University (Orsay) Dynamics and Evolution of transposable elements in genomes and in populations Regulation of mariner elements in Drosophila Pierre Capy Professor at the Paris-Sud University (Orsay), (Big Boss) mariner transposable element. Evolution of transposable elements’ structure. Invasion dynamics and long-term maintenance of transposable elements. TEs Classification. Jean David CNRS Research Director Emeritus Phenotypic plasticity, temperature tolerance Jean-Michel Rossignol Professor Emeritus Viruses Jonathan Filée CNRS Researcher Evolutionary genomics of viruses and transposons Arnaud Le Rouzic CNRS Researcher Theoretical approaches of genome evolution Jacques-Deric Rouault CNRS Researcher Automatic classification of transposable element mariner Engineers and Technicians Isabelle Clavereau CNRS Technician Relations between stress and activity of transposable element. Emilie Robillard CNRS Technician Activity and regulation the mariner transposable element in Drosophila melanogaster. Competition between copies. Invasion dynamics of the transposable element mariner in Drosophila melanogaster populations. PhD students Bastien Saint-Léandre PhD student, “Genes, Genomes, Cells” Graduate School (Paris 11 University). mariner regulation in Drosophila Estelle Rünneburger PhD student, “Genes, Genomes, Cells” Graduate School, Paris-Sud University Evolution of genes network: Causes and Consequences of phenotypic evolution Maryem Bouallegue PhD student, Previously in the team Gabriel da Luz Wallau PhD student, Federal University of Santa Maria, BRAZIL. Identification of active mariner elements in Drosophila Thibaud Boutin PhD student, “Genes, Genomes, Cells” Graduate School (Paris-Sud University) Invasion dynamics and long-term maintenance of transposable elements. Sophie Picot PhD student, “Genes, Genomes, Cells” Graduate School (Paris-Sud University) Activity of the transposable element mariner in natural populations of Drosophila simulans