Bibliography 2024
Articles in refereed journals
- Abdelbaki L, Saidi-Touati M, Serrano C, Yassin A, Boutellis A. 2024. New haplotypes of Zaprionus tuberculatus and Zaprionus indianus (Diptera: Drosophilidae) identified in fig orchards in Algeria. Oriental Insects
- Akiki P, Delamotte P, Poidevin M, van Dijk EL, Petit AJR, et al. 2024. Male manipulation impinges on social-dependent tumor suppression in Drosophila melanogaster females. Scientific Reports 14
- Alburaki M, Garnery L. 2024. Effects of landscape variation on thermoregulation and performance in Apis mellifera honey bee colonies: insights from mtDNA haplotypes. Journal of Apicultural Research
- Almeida CE, Máximo MM, Pires-Silva D, Takiya DM, Valenta-Barbosa C, et al. 2024. From molecules to ecosystems: Insights into a network of interactions for a Chagas disease outbreak using Triatoma brasiliensis as natural samplers. Acta Tropica 251
- Bastide H, Legout H, Dogbo N, Ogereau D, Prediger C, et al. 2024. The genome of the blind bee louse fly reveals deep convergences with its social host and illuminates Drosophila origins. Current Biology 34
- Casane D. 2024. Que contient votre génome ? M S-Medecine Sciences 40:560-1,
- Castillo H, Hanna P, Sachs LM, Buisine N, Godoy F, et al. 2024. Xenopus tropicalis osteoblast-specific open chromatin regions reveal promoters and enhancers involved in human skeletal phenotypes and shed light on early vertebrate evolution. Cells & Development 179
- Da Lage JL, Fontenelle A, Filée J, Merle M, Béranger JM, et al. 2024. Evidence that hematophagous triatomine bugs may eat plants in the wild. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 165
- Debec A, Peronnet R, Lang MC, Molet M. 2024. Primary cell cultures from the single-chromosome ant Myrmecia croslandi. Chromosome Research 32
- Detilleux L, Loudit SB, Le Gall P, Francis F, Megido RC, Dogot T. 2024. Consumers of insect-based foods: a cross-cultural study between Belgium and Gabon. Journal of Insect Science 24
- Durand S, Pigeault R, Giraud I, Loisier A, Bech N, et al. 2024. Temporal stability of sex ratio distorter prevalence in natural populations of the isopod Armadillidium vulgare. Heredity
- Ferreira EA, Moore CC, Ogereau D, Suwalski A, Prigent SR, et al. 2024. Genomic Islands of Divergence Between Drosophila yakuba Subspecies are Predominantly Driven by Chromosomal Inversions and the Recombination Landscape. Molecular Ecology
- Fortuna TM, Colin-Duchevet L, Desreumaux Y, Jeannette R, Le Gonnidec M, et al. 2024. Non-target risk assessment of Cotesia typhae, a potential biological control agent of the Mediterranean corn borer. Biological Control 199
- Georges R, Yassin A, Colinet H. 2024. First record of Zaprionus tuberculatus (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in mainland France. Entomological Research 54
- Gornard S, Mougel F, Germon I, Borday-Birraux V, Venon P, et al. 2024. Cellular dynamics of host – parasitoid interactions: Insights from the encapsulation process in a partially resistant host. Journal of Insect Physiology 155
- Gornard S, Venon P, Lasfont F, Balliau T, Kaiser L, Mougel F. 2024. Characterizing virulence differences in a parasitoid wasp through comparative transcriptomic and proteomic. Bmc Genomics 25
- Groeneveld J, Odemer R, Requier F. 2024. Brood indicators are an early warning signal of honey bee colony loss-a simulation-based study. Plos One 19
- Hearn J, Gobbo E, Nieves-Aldrey JL, Branca A, Nicholls JA, et al. 2024. Phylogenomic analysis of protein-coding genes resolves complex gall wasp relationships. Systematic Entomology 49:110-37,
- Hellemans S, Rocha MM, Wang ML, Arias JR, Aanen DK, et al. 2024. Genomic data provide insights into the classification of extant termites. Nat. Commun. 15
- Hévin NMC, Goldstein PZ, Aduse-Poku K, Barbut J, Mitchell A, et al. 2024. Habitat opening fostered diversity: impact of dispersal and habitat-shifts in the evolutionary history of a speciose afrotropical insect group. Ecography 2024
- Hévin NMC, Kergoat GJ, Zilli A, Capdevielle-Dulac C, Musyoka BK, et al. 2024. Revisiting the taxonomy and molecular systematics of Sesamia stemborers (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Apameini: Sesamiina): updated classification and comparative evaluation of species delimitation methods. Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny 82:447-501,
- Lanoizelet M, Michel L, Lagadec R, Mayeur H, Guichard L, et al. 2024. Analysis of a shark reveals ancient, Wnt-dependent, habenular asymmetries in vertebrates. Nat. Commun. 15
- le Peley VD, Grateau S, Moreau-Vauzelle C, Raboteau D, Chevallereau C, et al. 2024. Experimental Ecotoxicology Procedures Interfere with Honey Bee Life History. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
- Le Rouzic A, Roumet M, Widmer A, Clo J. 2024. Detecting directional epistasis and dominance from cross-line analyses in alpine populations of Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Evolutionary Biology
- Lesage P, Brasset E, Cristofari G, Gilbert C, Mazel D, et al. 2024. International congress on transposable elements (ICTE 2024) in Saint Malo: breaking down transposon waves and their impact. Mobile DNA 15
- Leyton MS, Lattorff HMG, Kiatoko N, Requier F. 2025. Climate effects on honey bees can be mitigated by beekeeping management in Kenya. Journal of Environmental Management 374
- Li Z, Gilbert C, Peng HR, Pollet N. 2024. Discovery of numerous novel Helitron-like elements in eukaryote genomes using HELIANO. Nucleic Acids Research
- Mariette J, Carcaud J, Louis T, Lacassagne E, Servais I, et al. 2024. Evolution of queen pheromone receptor tuning in four honeybee species (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Apis). Iscience 27
- Megido RC, Francis F, Haubruge E, Le Gall P, Tomberlin JK, et al. 2024. A worldwide overview of the status and prospects of edible insect production. Entomologia Generalis
- Minaud É, Rebaudo F, Davidson P, Hatjina F, Hotho A, et al. 2024. How stressors disrupt honey bee biological traits and overwintering mechanisms. Heliyon 10
- Patarroyo C, Dupas S, Restrepo S. 2024. A machine learning algorithm for the automatic classification of Phytophthora infestans genotypes into clonal lineages. Applications in Plant Sciences
- Patarroyo C, Lucca F, Dupas S, Restrepo S. 2024. Reconstructing the Global Migration History of Phytophthora infestans Toward Colombia. Phytopathology 114:2151-61,
- Poidevin M, Mazuras N, Bontonou G, Delamotte P, Denis B, et al. 2024. A fatty acid anabolic pathway in specialized-cells sustains a remote signal that controls egg activation in Drosophila. Plos Genetics 20
- Policarpo M, Baldwin MW, Casane D, Salzburger W. 2024. Diversity and evolution of the vertebrate chemoreceptor gene repertoire. Nat. Commun. 15
- Policarpo M, Legendre L, Germon I, Lafargeas P, Espinasa L, et al. 2024. The nature and distribution of putative non-functional alleles suggest only two independent events at the origins of Astyanax mexicanus cavefish populations. Bmc Ecology and Evolution 2
- Prediger C, Ferreira EA, Zorzato SV, Hua-Van A, Klasson L, et al. 2024. Saltational Episodes of Reticulate Evolution in the Drosophila saltans Species Group. Molecular Biology and Evolution 41
- Requier F, Abdelli M, Baude M, Genoud D, Gens H, et al. 2024. Neglecting non-bee pollinators may lead to substantial underestimation of competition risk among pollinators. Current Research in Insect Science 6
- Requier F, Leyton MS, Morales CL, Garibaldi LAfCUsDsc, Giacobino A, et al. 2024. First large-scale study reveals important losses of managed honey bee and stingless bee colonies in Latin America. Scientific Reports 14
- Requier F, Nürnberger F, Rojas-Nossa SV, Rome Q. 2024. Spatial distribution of Vespa velutina-mediated beekeeping risk in France and Germany. Journal of Pest Science
- Revillon S, Dillmann C, Galic N, Bauland C, Palaffre C, et al. 2024. Effects of maize development and phenology on the field infestation dynamics of the European corn borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Journal of Economic Entomology
- Sokame BM, Tonnang HEZ, Calatayud PA, Dubois T. 2024. Assessing the impact of climate-resilient maize varieties and their interaction with the stem borer Chilo partellus (swinhoe) (lepidoptera: crambidae) in semi-field conditions. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science 44:297-305,
- Tartu S, Pollet N, Clavereau I, Bouchard G, Brischoux F. 2024. Maternal body condition affects the response of larval spined toads’ faecal microbiome to a widespread contaminant. BioRXiv
- Vardakas P, Mainardi G, Minaud E, Patalano S, Rebaudo F, et al. 2024. Unveiling beekeepers’ use and preference of precision apiculture systems. Journal of Apicultural Research
- Verrier E, Bretagnolle V, Aupinel P, Decourtye A, Henry M, et al. 2024. Semi-natural habitats mitigate the impact of food shortage on honey bees in farmlands. Science of the Total Environment 950
- Wyckhuys KAG, Akutse KS, Amalin DM, Araj SE, Barrera G, et al. 2024. Global scientific progress and shortfalls in biological control of the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda. Biological Control 191
- Wyckhuys KAG, Akutse KS, Amalin DM, Araj SE, Barrera G, et al. 2024. Functional structure of the natural enemy community of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda in the Americas. Biological Control 198
- Zapata-Hernández G, Gajardo-Rojas M, Calderón-Seguel M, Muñoz AAfCUsDsc, Yáñez KP, et al. 2024. Advances and knowledge gaps on climate change impacts on honey bees and beekeeping: A systematic review. Global Change Biology 30
Bibliography 2023
Articles in refereed journals
- Bacela-Spychalska K, Wattier R, Teixeira M, Cordaux R, Quiles A, et al. 2023. Widespread infection, diversification and old host associations of Nosema microsporidia in European freshwater gammarids (Amphipoda). Plos Pathogens 19
- Bastide H, Lopez-Villavicencio M, Ogereau D, Lledo J, Dutrillaux AM, et al. 2023. Genome assembly of 3 Amazonian Morpho butterfly species reveals Z-chromosome rearrangements between closely related species living in sympatry. Gigascience 12
- Bastide H, Saenko SV, Chouteau M, Joron M, Llaurens V. 2023. Dominance mechanisms in supergene alleles controlling butterfly wing pattern variation: insights from gene expression in Heliconius numata. Heredity 130:92-8,
- Blareau E, Sy P, Daoud K, Requier F. 2023. Insect-Mediated Pollination of Strawberries in an Urban Environment. Insects 14
- Bressac C, El Sabrout A, Kifouche F, Anne M, Capdevielle-Dulac C, et al. 2023. Hot and cold waves decrease sperm production and bias sex ratio in the parasitoid wasp Cotesia typhae (Hymenoptera, Braconidae). Journal of Insect Physiology 149
- Carcaud J, Otte M, Grunewald B, Haase A, Sandoz JC, Beye M. 2023. Multisite imaging of neural activity using a genetically encoded calcium sensor in the honey bee. Plos Biology 21
- Carcaud J, Sandoz JC. 2023. Editorial overview: Insect neuroethology: More than behavior and neurons. Current Opinion in Insect Science 57
- Courret C, Ogereau D, Gilbert C, Larracuente AM, Montchamp-Moreau C. 2023. The Evolutionary History of Drosophila simulans Y Chromosomes Reveals Molecular Signatures of Resistance to Sex Ratio Meiotic Drive. Molecular Biology and Evolution 40
- Couto A, Marty S, Dawson EH, d’Ettorre P, Sandoz JC, Montgomery SH. 2023. Evolution of the neuronal substrate for kin recognition in social Hymenoptera. Biological Reviews
- Crequer E, Ropars J, Jany JL, Caron T, Coton M, et al. 2023. A new cheese population in Penicillium roqueforti and adaptation of the five populations to their ecological niche. Evolutionary Applications
- Decourtye A, Rollin O, Requier F, Allier F, Ruger C, et al. 2023. Decision-making criteria for pesticide spraying considering the bees’ presence on crops to reduce their exposure risk. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11
- Delahaye N, Coache A, Le Gall P, Filippi G. 2023. Catalogue illustré des Cerambycidae de São Tomé & Príncipe (Coleoptera). Faunitaxys 11:1-54,
- Filee J, Becker HF, Mellottee L, Eddine RZ, Li ZH, et al. 2023. Bacterial origins of thymidylate metabolism in Asgard archaea and Eukarya. Nat. Commun. 14
- Fortuna TM, Anne M, Le Gonnidec M, Jeannette R, Bressac C, et al. 2023. Susceptibility to cold suggests low risk of establishment of a tropical parasitoid attacking the corn pest Sesamia nonagrioides. Biological Control 186
- Germon I, Delachanal C, Mougel F, Martinand-Mari C, Debiais-Thibaud M, Borday-Birraux V. 2023. Interference with the retinoic acid signalling pathway inhibits the initiation of teeth and caudal primary scales in the small-spotted catshark Scyliorhinus canicula. Peerj 11
- Gilbert C, Maumus F. 2023. Sidestepping Darwin: horizontal gene transfer from plants to insects. Current Opinion in Insect Science 57
- Gruter C, Balbuena MS, Valadares L. 2023. Mechanisms and adaptations that shape division of labour in stingless bees. Current Opinion in Insect Science 58
- Hearn J, Gobbo E, Nieves-Aldrey JL, Branca A, Nicholls JA, et al. 2023. Phylogenomic analysis of protein-coding genes resolves complex gall wasp relationships. Systematic Entomology
- Heisserer C, Muller H, Jouan V, Musset K, Periquet G, et al. 2023. Massive Somatic and Germline Chromosomal Integrations of Polydnaviruses in Lepidopterans. Molecular Biology and Evolution 40
- Hyacinthe C, Attia J, Schutz E, Lego L, Casane D, Retaux S. 2023. Acoustic signatures in Mexican cavefish populations inhabiting different caves. Plos One 18
- Jendritzki I, Tonnang HEZ, Calatayud PA, Borgemeister C, Johansson T, Biber-Freudenberger L. 2023. Uncertainties in the effectiveness of biological control of stem borers under different climate change scenarios in Eastern Africa. Climatic Change 176
- Juhel P, Le Gall P. 2023. Une nouvelle espèce de Neoplocaederus Sama, 1991 du Cameroun (Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae, Cerambycini). Entomologia Africana 28:39-41,
- Le Gall P. 2023. Description d’une nouvelle espèce de Campsiura (Macroma) du Gabon (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae, Cetoniinae, Cremastocheilini). Cetoniimania NS 17
- Legendre L, Rode J, Germon I, Pavie M, Quiviger C, et al. 2023. Genetic identification and reiterated captures suggest that the Astyanax mexicanus El Pachon cavefish population is closed and declining. Zoological Research 44:701-11,
- Mariette J, Noel A, Louis T, Montagne N, Chertemps T, et al. 2023. Transcuticular calcium imaging as a tool for the functional study of insect odorant receptors. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience 16
- Mozhaitseva K, Tourrain Z, Branca A. 2023. Population Genomics of the Mostly Thelytokous Diplolepis rosae (Linnaeus, 1758) (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) Reveals Population-specific Selection for Sex. Genome Biology and Evolution 15
- Nuambote-Yobila O, Bruce AY, Okuku GO, Marangu C, Makumbi D, et al. 2023. Assessment of Resistance Mechanisms to Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda in Tropical Maize Inbred Lines. Agronomy-Basel 13
- Petit AJR, Guez J, Le Rouzic A. 2023. Correlated stabilizing selection shapes the topology of gene regulatory networks. Genetics 224
- Piqueret B, Montaudon E, Devienne P, Leroy C, Marangoni E, et al. 2023. Ants act as olfactory bio-detectors of tumours in patient-derived xenograft mice. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 290
- Piqueret B, Sandoz JC, d’Ettorre P. 2023. The neglected potential of invertebrates in detecting disease via olfaction. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10
- Poidatz J, Chiron G, Kennedy P, Osborne J, Requier F. 2023. Density of predating Asian hornets at hives disturbs the 3D flight performance of honey bees and decreases predation success. Ecology and Evolution 13
- Rache L, Blondin L, Tatis PD, Flores C, Camargo A, et al. 2023. A minisatellite-based MLVA for deciphering the global epidemiology of the bacterial cassava pathogen Xanthomonas phaseoli pv. manihotis. Plos One 18
- Rebaudo F, Soulard T, Condori B, Quispe-Tarqui R, Calatayud PA, et al. 2023. A low-cost IoT network to monitor microclimate variables in ecosystems. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14:1025-34,
- Regnier B, Legrand J, Calatayud PA, Rebaudo F. 2023. Developmental Differentiations of Major Maize Stemborers Due to Global Warming in Temperate and Tropical Climates. Insects 14
- Requier F, Fournier A, Pointeau S, Rome Q, Courchamp F. 2023. Economic costs of the invasive Yellow-legged hornet on honey bees. Science of the Total Environment 898
- Rhimi M, Da Lage JL, Haser R, Feller G, Aghajari N. 2023. Structural and Functional Characterization of Drosophila melanogaster a-Amylase. Molecules 28
- Rodríguez-Machado S, De León JLP, Germon I, Casane D, García-Machado E. 2023. Phylogeography of Limia vittata (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae): geographical distribution of mitochondrial haplotypes is comparable to other Cuban poeciliids. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society
- Syed AS, Sharma K, Policarpo M, Ferrando S, Casane D, Korsching SI. 2023. Ancient and Nonuniform Loss of Olfactory Receptor Expression Renders the Shark Nose a De Facto Vomeronasal Organ. Molecular Biology and Evolution 40
- Tomar SS, Hua-Van A, Le Rouzic A. 2023. A population genetics theory for piRNA-regulated transposable elements. Theoretical Population Biology 150:1-13,
- Valadares L, da Silva IB, Costa-Leonardo AM, Sandoz JC. 2023. Differentiation of workers into soldiers is associated with a size reduction of higher-order brain centers in the neotropical termite Procornitermes araujoi. Scientific Reports 13
Bibliography 2022
Articles in refereed journals
- Amat C, Marion-Poll F, Navarro-Roldan MA, Gemeno C. 2022. Gustatory function of sensilla chaetica on the labial palps and antennae of three tortricid moths (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Scientific Reports 12
- Barascou L, Requier F, Sene D, Crauser D, Le Conte Y, Alaux C. 2022. Delayed effects of a single dose of a neurotoxic pesticide (sulfoxaflor) on honeybee foraging activity. Science of the Total Environment 805
- Bastide H, Ogereau D, Montchamp-Moreau C, Gerard PR. 2022. The fate of a suppressed X-linked meiotic driver: experimental evolution in Drosophila simulans. Chromosome Research 30:141-50,
- Bestea L, Briard E, Carcaud J, Sandoz J-C, Velarde R, et al. 2022. The short neuropeptide F (sNPF) promotes the formation of appetitive visual memories in honey bees. Biology Letters 18
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- David JR, Ferreira EA, Jabaud L, Ogereau D, Bastide H, Yassin A. 2022. Evolution of assortative mating following selective introgression of pigmentation genes between two Drosophila species. Ecology and Evolution 12
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- Filee J, Merle M, Bastide H, Mougel F, Berenger J-M, et al. 2022. Phylogenomics for Chagas Disease Vectors of the Rhodnius Genus (Hemiptera, Triatominae): What We Learn From Mito-Nuclear Conflicts and Recommendations. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9
- Fortuna TM, Le Gall P, Mezdour S, Calatayud P-A. 2022. Impact of invasive insects on native insect communities. Current opinion in insect science 51:100904-,
- Gaskin JF, Goolsby JA, Bon M-C, Cristofaro M, Calatayud P-A. 2022. Identifying the geographic origins of invasive Megathyrsus maximus in the United States using molecular data. Invasive Plant Science and Management
- Gilbert C, Belliardo C. 2022. The diversity of endogenous viral elements in insects. Current opinion in insect science 49:48-55,
- Gilbert C, Maumus F. 2022. Multiple horizontal acquisitions of plant genes in the whitefly Bemisia tabaci. Genome biology and evolution
- Guilliet J, Baudouin G, Pollet N, Filee J. 2022. What complete mitochondrial genomes tell us about the evolutionary history of the black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens. Bmc Ecology and Evolution 22
- Hebra T, Pollet N, Touboul D, Eparvier V. 2022. Combining OSMAC, metabolomic and genomic methods for the production and annotation of halogenated azaphilones and ilicicolins in termite symbiotic fungi. Sci Rep 12:17310,
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- Lange JD, Bastide H, Lack JB, Pool JE. 2022. A Population Genomic Assessment of Three Decades of Evolution in a Natural Drosophila Population. Molecular biology and evolution 39
- Le Ru B, Hevin NMC, Capdevielle-Dulac C, Musyoka BK, Sezonlin M, et al. 2022. Phylogenetics, integrative taxonomy and systematics of the Sesamia cretica species group (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Apameini: Sesamiina), with the description of 21 new species from the Afrotropical region. Annales De La Societe Entomologique De France 58:387-454,
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- Merle M, Filee J, de Oliveira J, Almeida CE, Mougel F, et al. 2022. Genome Size Variation of Chagas Disease Vectors of the Rhodniini Tribe. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene
- Muller H, Heisserer C, Fortuna T, Mougel F, Huguet E, et al. 2022. Investigating bracovirus chromosomal integration and inheritance in lepidopteran host and nontarget species. Molecular Ecology .
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- Mutyambai DM, Niassy S, Calatayud P-A, Subramanian S. 2022. Agronomic Factors Influencing Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) Infestation and Damage and Its Co-Occurrence with Stemborers in Maize Cropping Systems in Kenya. Insects 13
- Nuambote-Yobila O, Musyoka B, Njuguna E, Bruce AY, Khamis F, et al. 2022. Influence of Si in maize plants in Kenyan populations of Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Phytoparasitica .
- Panziera D, Requier F, Chantawannakul P, Pirk CWW, Blacquiere T. 2022. The Diversity Decline in Wild and Managed Honey Bee Populations Urges for an Integrated Conservation Approach. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10
- Parreno MA, Alaux C, Brunet JL, Buydens L, Filipiak M, et al. 2022. Critical links between biodiversity and health in wild bee conservation. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 37:309-21,
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- Piqueret B, Bourachot B, Leroy C, Devienne P, Mechta-Grigoriou F, et al. 2022. Ants detect cancer cells through volatile organic compounds. Iscience 25 .
- Policarpo M, Bemis KE, Laurenti P, Legendre L, Sandoz J-C, et al. 2022. Coevolution of the olfactory organ and its receptor repertoire in ray-finned fishes. Bmc Biology 20
- Regnier B, Legrand J, Rebaudo F. 2022. Modeling Temperature-Dependent Development Rate in Insects and Implications of Experimental Design. Environmental Entomology 51:132-44,
- Requier F, Pérez-Méndez N, Andersson GKS, Blareau E, Merle I, Garibaldi LA. 2022. Bee and non-bee pollinator importance for local food security. Trends Ecol Evol
- Sokame BM, Malusi P, Subramanian S, Kilalo DC, Juma G, Calatayud P-A. 2022. Do the invasive Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), and the maize lepidopteran stemborers compete when sharing the same food? Phytoparasitica 50:21-34,
- Sokame BM, Musyoka B, Mohammed SA, Tamiru A, Bruce A, et al. 2022. Cannibalism and intraguild predation involved in the intra- and inter-specific interactions of the invasive fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, and lepidopteran maize stemborers. Journal of Pest Science
- Sponsler D, Kallnik K, Requier F, Classen A, Maihoff AF, et al. 2022. Floral preferences of mountain bumble bees are constrained by functional traits but flexible through elevation and season. Oikos 2022
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- Valadares L, Vieira BG, do Nascimento FS, Sandoz J-C. 2022. Brain size and behavioral specialization in the jatai stingless bee (Tetragonisca angustula). Journal of Comparative Neurology 530:2304-14,
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- Yassin A, Gidaszewski N, Debat V, David JR. 2022. Long-term evolution of quantitative traits in the Drosophila melanogaster species subgroup. Genetica 150:343-53,
Bibliography 2021
Articles in refereed journals
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- Barascou L, Requier F, Sene D, Crauser D, Le Conte Y, Alaux C. 2021. Delayed effects of a single dose of a neurotoxic pesticide (sulfoxaflor) on honeybee foraging activity. Science of the Total Environment 805
- Bestea L, Rejaud A, Sandoz J-C, Carcaud J, Giurfa M, de Brito Sanchez MG. 2021. Peripheral taste detection in honey bees: What do taste receptors respond to? European Journal of Neuroscience
- Burban E, Tenaillon MI, Le Rouzic A. 2021. Gene network simulations provide testable predictions for the molecular domestication syndrome. Genetics
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- Requier F, Paillet Y, Laroche F, Rutschmann B, Zhang J, et al. 2019. Contribution of European forests to safeguard wild honeybee populations. Conservation Letters
- Rice G, David JR, Kamimura Y, Masly JP, McGregor AP, et al. 2019. A standardized nomenclature and atlas of the male terminalia of Drosophila melanogaster. Fly
- Roncen R, Mery F, Piot E, Simon F. 2019. Statistical Inference Method for Liner Impedance Eduction with a Shear Grazing Flow. Aiaa Journal 57:1055-65,
- Sandoz J-C. 2019. Evolution of the male olfactory system in honey bees (genus Apis). Chemical Senses 44:E14-E,
- Schneider DI, Ehrman L, Engl T, Kaltenpoth M, Hua-Van A, et al. 2019. Symbiont-Driven Male Mating Success in the Neotropical Drosophila paulistorum Superspecies. Behavior Genetics 49:83-98,
- Sokame BM, Ntiri ES, Ahuya P, Torto B, Le Ru BP, et al. 2019. Caterpillar-induced plant volatiles attract conspecific and heterospecific adults for oviposition within a community of lepidopteran stemborers on maize plant. Chemoecology 29:89-101,
- Sokame BM, Rebaudo F, Musyoka B, Obonyo J, Mailafiya DM, et al. 2019. Carry-Over Niches for Lepidopteran Maize Stemborers and Associated Parasitoids during Non-Cropping Season. Insects 10
- Tsafack N, Rebaudo F, Wang H, Nagy DD, Xie Y, et al. 2019. Carabid community structure in northern China grassland ecosystems: Effects of local habitat on species richness, species composition and functional diversity. Peerj 6
- Yanagawa A, Couto A, Sandoz J-C, Hata T, Mitra A, et al. 2019. LPS perception through taste-induced reflex in Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of insect physiology 112:39-47,
Chapitres d’ouvrages
- Le Ru B, Calatayud P-A. 2019. Ravageurs malgré eux. In Science et Développement Durable, 75 ans de Recherche au Sud, ed. M-L SABRIE, L MOURIER, C LAVAGNE. Marseille, France: IRD Editions.
Bibliographie 2018
Articles in refeered journals
- Badshah H, Ullah F, Calatayud P, Ullah H, Ahamd B. 2018. Influence of the Host Plant on the Encyrtid Aenasius bambawalei, a Parasitoid used to Control the Cotton Mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis, in Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Zoology 50:207-16,
- Baron A, Denis B, Wicker-Thomas C. Control of pheromone production by ovaries in Drosophila. Journal of Insect Physiology 109:138-43.
- Bastin F, Couto A, Larcher V, Phiancharoen M, Koeniger G, et al. 2018. Marked interspecific differences in the neuroanatomy of the male olfactory system of honey bees (genus Apis). The Journal of comparative neurology.
- Bichang’a G, Da Lage J-L, Capdevielle-Dulac C, Zivy M, Balliau T, et al. 2018. alpha-Amylase Mediates Host Acceptance in the Braconid Parasitoid Cotesia flavipes. Journal of chemical ecology
- Bichang’a GB, Da Lage J-L, Sambai K, Mule S, Le Ru B, et al. 2018. Salivary alpha-Amylase of Stem Borer Hosts Determines Host Recognition and Acceptance for Oviposition by Cotesia spp. (Hymenoptera, Braconidae). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
- Blaizot R, Vanhecke C, Le Gall P, Duvignaud A, Receveur M-C, Malvy D. 2018. Furuncular myiasis for the Western dermatologist: treatment in outpatient consultation. International journal of dermatology 57:227-30,
- Brand P, Larcher V, Couto A, Sandoz J-C, Ramirez SR. 2018. Sexual dimorphism in visual and olfactory brain centers in the perfume-collecting orchid bee Euglossa dilemma (Hymenoptera, Apidae). The Journal of comparative neurology 526:2068-77,
- Calatayud P, Sauvion N, Thiéry D. 2018. Insect-Plant Interactions. In Oxford Bibliographies in Ecology, ed. D Gibson, New York: Oxford University Press. Number of.
- Carcaud J, Giurfa M, Sandoz J-C. 2018. Differential Processing by Two Olfactory Subsystems in the Honeybee Brain. Neuroscience 374:33-48,
- Courret C, Gerard PR, Ogereau D, Falque M, Moreau L, Montchamp-Moreau C. 2018. X-chromosome meiotic drive in Drosophila simulans: a QTL approach reveals the complex polygenic determinism of Paris drive suppression. Heredity
- Dawson EH, Bailly TPM, Dos Santos J, Moreno C, Devilliers M, et al. 2018. Social environment mediates cancer progression in Drosophila. Nature Communications
- Debat V, Le Rouzic A. 2018. Canalization, a central concept in biology. Seminars in cell & developmental biology
- Fernandez-Manjarres JF, Ruiz-Benito P, Zavala MA, Julio Camarero J, Pulido F, et al. 2018. Forest Adaptation to Climate Change along Steep Ecological Gradients: The Case of the Mediterranean-Temperate Transition in South-Western Europe. Sustainability
- Filee J. 2018. Giant viruses and their mobile genetic elements: the molecular symbiosis hypothesis. Current Opinion in Virology 33:81-8,
- Fogang Mba AR, Kansci G, Viau M, Ribourg L, Fogoh Muafor J, et al. 2018. Growing conditions and morphotypes of African palm weevil (Rhynchophorus phoenicis) larvae influence their lipophilic nutrient but not their amino acid compositions. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis
- Fumey J, Hinaux H, Noirot C, Thermes C, Retaux S, Casane D. 2018. Evidence for late Pleistocene origin of Astyanax mexicanus cavefish. Bmc Evolutionary Biology
- Garcia-Machado E, Ulmo-Diaz G, Castellanos-Gell J, Casane D. 2018. Patterns of population connectivity in marine organisms of Cuba. Bulletin of Marine Science 94:193-211,
- Gaulin E, Pel MJC, Camborde L, San-Clemente H, Courbier S, et al. 2018. Genomics analysis of Aphanomyces identifies a new class of oomycete effector associated with host adaptation. Bmc Biology 16.
- Gauthier J, Gayral P, Le Ru BP, Jancek S, Dupas S, et al. 2018. Genetic footprints of adaptive divergence in the bracovirus of Cotesia sesamiae identified by targeted resequencing. Molecular Ecology 27:2109-23,
- Gilbert C, Feschotte C. 2018. Horizontal acquisition of transposable elements and viral sequences: patterns and consequences. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 49:15-24,
- Goftishu M, Assefa Y, Niba A, Fininsa C, Le Ru BP. 2018. Diversity and abundance of lepidopteran stem borers and their host plants in Ethiopia. Journal of Applied Entomology 142:437-49,
- Guyeux C, Couchot J-F, Le Rouzic A, Bahi JM, Marangio L. 2018. Theoretical Study of the One Self-Regulating Gene in the Modified Wagner Model. Mathematics 6
- Henriques D, Browne KA, Barnett MW, Parejo M, Kryger P, et al. 2018. High sample throughput genotyping for estimating C-lineage introgression in the dark honeybee: an accurate and cost-effective SNP-based tool. Scientific Reports
- Herrera EQ, Casas J, Dangles O, Pincebourde S. 2018. Temperature effects on ballistic prey capture by a dragonfly larva. Ecology and Evolution 8:4303-11,
- Kankonda OM, Akaibe BD, Sylvain NM, Le Ru B-P. 2018. Response of maize stemborers and associated parasitoids to the spread of grasses in the rainforest zone of Kisangani, DR Congo: effect on stemborers biological control. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 20:150-61,
- Kergoat GJ, Condamine FL, Toussaint EFA, Capdevielle-Dulac C, Clamens A-L, et al. 2018. Opposite macroevolutionary responses to environmental changes in grasses and insects during the Neogene grassland expansion. Nature Communications 9
- Kouam EB, Avana-Tientcheu ML, Lekeumo VD, Akitio HM, Khasa DP, Pasquet RS. 2018. Agro-ecological distribution of the phenotypic diversity of aerial yam (Dioscorea bulbifera) in Cameroon using multivariate analysis: prospect for germplasm conservation and improvement. Open Agriculture 3:190-206,
- Kouam EB, Ngompe-Deffo T, Anoumaa M, Pasquet RS. 2018. Preliminary study on character associations, phenotypic and genotypic divergence for yield and related quantitative traits among cowpea landraces (Vigna unguiculata) from the Western Highland Region of Cameroon. Open Agriculture 3:84-97,
- Lamarre GPA, Juin Y, Lapied E, Le Gall P, Nakamura A. 2018. Using field-based entomological research to promote awareness about forest ecosystem conservation. Nature Conservation-Bulgaria:39-56,
- Le Ru B, Barbut J, Capdevielle-Dulac C, Goftishu M, Kergoat GJ. 2018. Re-establishment of Spodoptera teferii Laporte in Rougeot (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae, Noctuinae), with an updated molecular phylogeny for the genus Spodoptera Guenee. Annales De La Societe Entomologique De France 54:497-510,
- Mancini N, Giurfa M, Sandoz J-C, Avargues-Weber A. 2018. Aminergic neuromodulation of associative visual learning in harnessed honey bees. Neurobiology of learning and memory
- Mba ARF, Kansci G, Viau M, Ribourg L, Muafor JF, et al. 2018. Growing conditions and morphotypes of African palm weevil (Rhynchophorus phoenicis) larvae influence their lipophilic nutrient but not their amino acid compositions. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 69:87-97,
- Moeng E, Mutamiswa R, Conlong DE, Assefa Y, Le Ru BP, et al. 2018. Diversity and distribution of lepidopteran stemborer species and their host plants in Botswana. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 12:733-49,
- Monceau K, Arca M, Lepretre L, Bonnard O, Arnold G, Thiery D. 2018. How Apis mellifera Behaves with its Invasive Hornet Predator Vespa velutina? Journal of Insect Behavior 31:1-11,
- Mwalusepo S, Massawe ES, Johansson T, Abdel-Rahman E, Gathara M, et al. 2018. Modelling the distributions of maize stem borers at local scale in East African mountain gradients using climatic and edaphic variables. African Entomology 26:458-70,
- Nagy O, Nuez I, Savisaar R, Peluffo AE, Yassin A, et al. 2018. Correlated Evolution of Two Copulatory Organs via a Single cis-Regulatory Nucleotide Change. Current Biology 28:3450
- Ntiri ES, Calatayud P-A, Musyoka B, Van den Berg J, Le Ru BP. 2018. Influence of feeding-damaged plants on the oviposition responses within a community of female moths. Phytoparasitica 46:607-15,
- Odorico A, Runneburger E, Le Rouzic A. Modelling the influence of parental effects on gene-network evolution. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 31:687-700,
- Ong’amo GO, Pallangyo B, Ali A, Njaku M, Le Ru BP. 2018. Diversity and abundance of lepidopteran stem borers and their respective native hosts in different vegetation mosaics in Tanzania. African Entomology 26:50-62,
- Oulhaci CM, Denis B, Kilani-Morakchi S, Sandoz JC, Kaiser L, et al. 2018. Azadirachtin effects on mating success, gametic abnormalities and progeny survival in Drosophila melanogaster (Diptera). Pest Manag. Sci. 74:174-80,
- Peccoud J, Cordaux R, Gilbert C. 2018. Analyzing Horizontal Transfer of Transposable Elements on a Large Scale: Challenges and Prospects. BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology
- Peccoud J, Lequime S, Moltini-Conclois I, Giraud I, Lambrechts L, Gilbert C. 2018. A Survey of Virus Recombination Uncovers Canonical Features of Artificial Chimeras Generated During Deep Sequencing Library Preparation. G3-Genes Genomes Genetics 8:1129-38,
- Pereira CM, Stoffel TJR, Callegari-Jacques SM, Hua-Van A, Capy P, Loreto ELS. 2018. The somatic mobilization of transposable element mariner-Mos1 during the Drosophila lifespan and its biological consequences. Gene 679:65-72,
- Petavy G, Moreteau B, David JR, Gibert P. 2018. Influence of extreme heat or cold stresses on body pigmentation of Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Thermal Biology 72:118-26,
- Petit C, Ahuya P, Le Ru B, Kaiser-Arnauld L, Harry M, Calatayud P. 2018. Influence of prolonged dietary experience during the larval stage on novel odour preferences in adults of noctuid stem borer moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). European Journal of Entomology 115:112-6,
- Petit C, Ahuya P, Le Ru B, Kaiser-Arnauld L, Harry M, Calatayud P-A. 2018. Odour and feeding preference of noctuid moth larvae conditioned to vanillin diet and non-vanillin diet. Phytoparasitica 46:223-32,
- Piesik D, Rochat D, Bocianowski J, Marion-Poll F. 2018. Repellent Activity of Plants from the Genus Chenopodium to Ostrinia nubilalis Plant Prot. Sci. 54:265-71,
- Quenta Herrera E, Jacobsen D, Casas J, Dangles O. 2018. Environmental and spatial filters of zooplankton metacommunities in shallow pools in high-elevation peatlands in the tropical Andes. Freshwater Biology 63:432-42,
- Rebaudo F, Rabhi V-B. 2018. Modeling temperature-dependent development rate and phenology in insects: review of major developments, challenges, and future directions. Entomologia Experimentalis Et Applicata 166:607-17,
- Schneider DI, Ehrman L, Engl T, Kaltenpoth M, Hua-Van A, et al. 2018. Symbiont-Driven Male Mating Success in the Neotropical Drosophila paulistorum Behavior genetics
- Sougoufara S, Thiaw O, Cailleau A, Diagne N, Harry M, et al. 2018. The Impact of Periodic Distribution Campaigns of Long-Lasting Insecticidal-Treated Bed Nets on Malaria Vector Dynamics and Human Exposure in Dielmo, Senegal. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 98:1343-52,
- Struelens Q, Rebaudo F, Quispe R, Dangles O. 2018. Thermal pace-of-life strategies improve phenological predictions in ectotherms. Scientific Reports
- Thomas-Bulle C, Piednoel M, Donnart T, Filee J, Jollivet D, Bonnivard E. 2018. Mollusc genomes reveal variability in patterns of LTR-retrotransposons dynamics. Bmc Genomics
- Turissini DA, McGirr JA, Patel SS, David JR, Matute DR. 2018. The Rate of Evolution of Postmating-Prezygotic Reproductive Isolation in Drosophila. Molecular Biology and Evolution 35:312-34,
- Ulmo-Diaz G, Casane D, Bernatchez L, Gonzalez-Diaz P, Apprill A, et al. 2018. Genetic differentiation in the mountainous star coral Orbicella faveolata around Cuba. Coral Reefs 37:1217-27,
- Wicher D, Marion-Poll F. 2018. Editorial: Function and Regulation of Chemoreceptors. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 12.
- Yanagawa A, Chabaud MA, Imai T, Marion-Poll F. 2018. Olfactory cues play a significant role in removing fungus from the body surface of Drosophila melanogaster. Invertebr. Pathol. 151:144-50,
- Zimmer A, Meneses RI, Rabatel A, Soruco A, Dangles O, Anthelme F. 2018. Time lag between glacial retreat and upward migration alters tropical alpine communities. Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics 30:89-102,
Chapitres d’ouvrage
- Calatayud, P., Sauvion, N., & Thiéry, D. (2018). Insect-Plant Interactions. In D. Gibson (Ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Ecology (Vol. HTTPS://DX.DOI.ORG/10.1093/OBO/9780199830060-0193). New York: Oxford University Press.
Les publications du laboratoire dans des journaux pour l’année 2024 (via zotero):
Akiki, P., Delamotte, P., Poidevin, M., van Dijk, E. L., Petit, A. J. R., Le Rouzic, A., Mery, F., Marion-Poll, F., & Montagne, J. (2024). Male manipulation impinges on social-dependent tumor suppression in Drosophila melanogaster females. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 6411.
Bastide, H., Legout, H., Dogbo, N., Ogereau, D., Prediger, C., Carcaud, J., Filée, J., Garnery, L., Gilbert, C., Marion-Poll, F., Requier, F., Sandoz, J.-C., & Yassin, A. (2024). The genome of the blind bee louse fly reveals deep convergences with its social host and illuminates Drosophila origins. Current Biology, S0960982224000356.
Da Lage, J.-L., Fontenelle, A., Filée, J., Merle, M., Béranger, J.-M., Almeida, C. E., Folly Ramos, E., & Harry, M. (2024). Evidence that hematophagous triatomine bugs may eat plants in the wild. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 165, 104059.
Desclos Le Peley, V., Grateau, S., Moreau‐Vauzelle, C., Raboteau, D., Chevallereau, C., Requier, F., Aupinel, P., & Richard, F. (2024). Experimental Ecotoxicology Procedures Interfere with Honey Bee Life History. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, etc.5872.
Durand, S., Giraud, I., Loisier, A., Bech, N., Grandjean, F., Rigaud, T., Peccoud, J., & Cordaux, R. (2024). Temporal stability of sex ratio distorter prevalence in natural populations of the isopod Armadillidium vulgare.
Emond, J.-B. (2024, June 9). test. Test.
Fortuna, T. M., Colin-Duchevet, L., Desreumaux, Y., Jeannette, R., Le Gonnidec, M., Le Ru, B., Mettauer, R., Mougel, F., & Kaiser, L. (2024). Non-target risk assessment of Cotesia typhae, a potential biological control agent of the Mediterranean corn borer. Biological Control, 199, 105657.
Gornard, S., Mougel, F., Germon, I., Borday-Birraux, V., Venon, P., Drabo, S., & Kaiser, L. (2024). Cellular dynamics of host − parasitoid interactions: Insights from the encapsulation process in a partially resistant host. Journal of Insect Physiology, 155, 104646.
Gornard, S., Venon, P., Drabo, S., Kaiser, L., & Mougel, F. (2024). Improving parasitism success of a weakly virulent parasitoid strain. Journal of Insect Physiology, 104742.
Gornard, S., Venon, P., Lasfont, F., Balliau, T., Kaiser, L., & Mougel, F. (2024). Characterizing virulence differences in a parasitoid wasp through comparative transcriptomic and proteomic. BMC Genomics, 25(1), 940.
Groeneveld, J., Odemer, R., & Requier, F. (2024). Brood indicators are an early warning signal of honey bee colony loss—a simulation-based study. PLOS ONE, 19(5), e0302907.
Guillaume, J. B., Da Lage, J. L., Mezdour, S., Marion-Poll, F., Terrol, C., Brouzes, C. M. C., & Schmidely, P. (2024). Amylase activity across black soldier fly larvae development and feeding substrates: insights on starch digestibility and external digestion. Animal, 18(11), 101337.
Le Rouzic, A., Roumet, M., Widmer, A., & Clo, J. (2024). Detecting directional epistasis and dominance from cross-line analyses in alpine populations of Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 37(7), 839–847.
Minaud, E., Rebaudo, F., Mainardi, G., Vardakas, P., Hatjina, F., Steffan-Dewenter, I., & Requier, F. (2024). Temperature in overwintering honey bee colonies reveals brood status and predicts colony mortality. Ecological Indicators, 169, 112961.
Minaud, É., Rebaudo, F., Davidson, P., Hatjina, F., Hotho, A., Mainardi, G., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Vardakas, P., Verrier, E., & Requier, F. (2024). How stressors disrupt honey bee biological traits and overwintering mechanisms. Heliyon, 10(14), e34390.
Moro, A., Albouy, V., Dickey, M., Kohl, P. L., McCormack, G. P., Remter, F., Requier, F., Rogenstein, S., Rutschmann, B., Thiele, M. J., Visick, O., & Dubaić, J. B. (2024). A Protocol for Monitoring Populations of Free-Living Western Honey Bees in Temperate Regions. Bee World, 1–5.
Parreno, M. A., Werle, S., Buydens, L., Leroy, C., Roberts, S., Koirala, S., Filipiak, M., Kuhlmann, M., Brunet, J.-L., Henry, M., Alaux, C., Requier, F., Piot, N., Meeus, I., Klein, A.-M., Keller, A., & Leonhardt, S. D. (2024). Landscape heterogeneity correlates with bee and pollen diversity while size and specialization degree explain species-specific responses of wild bees to the environment. Science of The Total Environment, 954, 176595.
Poidevin, M., Mazuras, N., Bontonou, G., Delamotte, P., Denis, B., Devilliers, M., Akiki, P., Petit, D., De Luca, L., Soulie, P., Gillet, C., Wicker-Thomas, C., & Montagne, J. (2024). A fatty acid anabolic pathway in specialized-cells sustains a remote signal that controls egg activation in Drosophila. PLOS Genetics, 20(3), e1011186.
Requier, F., Nürnberger, F., Rojas-Nossa, S. V., & Rome, Q. (2024). Spatial distribution of Vespa velutina-mediated beekeeping risk in France and Germany. Journal of Pest Science.
Requier, F., Leyton, M. S., Morales, C. L., Garibaldi, L. A., Giacobino, A., Porrini, M. P., Rosso-Londoño, J. M., Velarde, R. A., Aignasse, A., Aldea-Sánchez, P., Allasino, M. L., Arredondo, D., Audisio, C., Cagnolo, N. B., Basualdo, M., Branchiccela, B., Calderón, R. A., Castelli, L., Castilhos, D., … Antúnez, K. (2024). First large-scale study reveals important losses of managed honey bee and stingless bee colonies in Latin America. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 10079.
Requier, F., Abdelli, M., Baude, M., Genoud, D., Gens, H., Geslin, B., Henry, M., & Ropars, L. (2024). Neglecting non-bee pollinators may lead to substantial underestimation of competition risk among pollinators. Current Research in Insect Science, 6, 100093.
Vardakas, P., Mainardi, G., Minaud, E., Patalano, S., Rebaudo, F., Requier, F., Steffan-Dewenter, I., & Hatjina, F. (2024). Unveiling beekeepers’ use and preference of precision apiculture systems. Journal of Apicultural Research, 1–10.
Verrier, E., Bretagnolle, V., Aupinel, P., Decourtye, A., Henry, M., Rebaudo, F., & Requier, F. (2024). Semi-natural habitats mitigate the impact of food shortage on honey bees in farmlands. Science of The Total Environment, 950, 175309.
Verrier, E., Bretagnolle, V., Aupinel, P., Decourtye, A., Henry, M., Rebaudo, F., & Requier, F. (2024). Semi-natural habitats mitigate the impact of food shortage on honey bees in farmlands. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 950.
Zapata‐Hernández, G., Gajardo‐Rojas, M., Calderón‐Seguel, M., Muñoz, A. A., Yáñez, K. P., Requier, F., Fontúrbel, F. E., Ormeño‐Arriagada, P. I., & Arrieta, H. (2024). Advances and knowledge gaps on climate change impacts on honey bees and beekeeping: A systematic review. Global Change Biology, 30(3), e17219.