Professor University Paris-Sud
PhD, 1982 and 1987, University Paris-Sud
Membre de : IGGIPOP
Tél. 33 1 69 82 37 09
Fax. 33 1 69 82 37 36
Thèmes de Recherche
Dynamics the mariner transposable element in natural populations of Drosophila simulans
Stress and transposables elements activity
Phylogenies and classification of transposables elements
Structural evolution of transposables elements
Saint-Leandre, B., I. Clavereau, A. Hua-Van & P. Capy (2017) Transcriptional polymorphism of piRNA regulatory genes underlies the mariner activity in Drosophila simulans testes. Molecular Ecology, 26, 3715-3731. 10.1111/mec.14145.
Bouallegue, M., J. Filee, I. Kharrat, M. Mezghani-Khemakhem, J.-D. Rouault, M. Makni & P. Capy (2017a) Diversity and evolution of mariner-like elements in aphid genomes. Bmc Genomics, 18. 10.1186/s12864-017-3856-6.
Bouallegue, M., J.-D. Rouault, A. Hua-Van, M. Makni & P. Capy (2017b) Molecular Evolution of piggyBac Superfamily: From Selfishness to Domestication. Genome biology and evolution, 9, 323-339. 10.1093/gbe/evw292.
Wallau, G. L., P. Capy, E. Loreto, A. Le Rouzic & A. Hua-Van (2016) VHICA, a New Method to Discriminate between Vertical and Horizontal Transposon Transfer: Application to the Mariner Family within Drosophila. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 33, 1094-1109. 10.1093/molbev/msv341.
Robillard, E., A. Le Rouzic, Z. Zhang, P. Capy & A. Hua-Van (2016) Experimental evolution reveals hyperparasitic interactions among transposable elements. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113, 14763-14768. 10.1073/pnas.1524143113.
Ben Lazhar-Ajroud, W., A. Caruso, M. Mezghani, M. Bouallegue, E. Tastard, F. Denis, J.-D. Rouault, H. Makni, P. Capy, B. Chenais, M. Makni & N. Casse (2016) Characterization of irritans mariner-like elements in the olive fruit fly Bactrocera oleae (Diptera: Tephritidae): evolutionary implications. Science of Nature, 103. 10.1007/s00114-016-1391-y.
Kharrat, I., M. Mezghani, N. Casse, F. Denis, A. Caruso, H. Makni, P. Capy, J.-D. Rouault, B. Chenais & M. Makni (2015) Characterization of mariner-like transposons of the mauritiana Subfamily in seven tree aphid species. Genetica, 143, 63-72.
Wallau, G. L., P. Capy, E. Loreto & A. Hua-Van (2014) Genomic landscape and evolutionary dynamics of mariner transposable elements within the Drosophila genus. Bmc Genomics, 15, 19.
Montigny, C., P. Decottignies, P. Le Marechal, P. Capy, M. Bublitz, C. Olesen, J. V. Moller, P. Nissen & M. le Maire (2014) S-Palmitoylation and S-Oleoylation of Rabbit and Pig Sarcolipin. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 289, 33850-33861.
NEGOUA H., ROUAULT JD., CHAKIR M., CAPY P. 2013. Internal deletions of transposable elements: the case of Lemi elements. Genetica. 141 : 369-379.
STARTEK M., LE ROUZIC A., CAPY P., GRZEBZLUS D., GAMBIN A. 2013. Genomic parasites or symbionts? Modeling the effects of environmental pressure on transposition activity in asexual populations. Theoretical Population Biology. 90, 145-151.
BOUTIN TS., LE ROUZIC A., CAPY P. 2012. How does selfing affect the dynamics of selfish transposable elements? Mobile DNA. 3 : 5.
FORT P, ALBERTINI A, HUA-VAN, BETHOMIEU A, ROCHE S, DELSUC F, PASTEUR N, CAPY P, GAUDIN Y, WEILL M. 2011. MBE. Fossil Rhabdoviral Sequences Integrated into Arthropod Genomes: Ontogeny, Evolution, and Potential Functionality. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 29, 381-390.
CHAKIR M., NEGOUA H., CAPY P., DAVID JR. 2011. Phenotypic variability and sex dimorphism in Drosophila (Diptera: Drosophilidae): comparison of the wild and laboratory grown adults of two sympatric cosmopolitan species. Ann. Soc. Entomol. France. 47 (3-4): 371-383.
YASSIN A., BORAI F., CAPY P., DAVID J.R., ELIAS E., RIAD S.A., SHALABY H.G., SEROUR S. and ABOU-YOUSSEF A.Y. 2009 Evolutionary genetics of Zaprionus. II. Mitochondrial DNA and chromosomal variation of the invasive drosophilid Zaprionus indianus in Egypt. Mitochondrial DNA 20: 34
MCEVEY S. F., SCHIFFER M., DA LAGE J-L., DAVID J. R., LEMEUNIER F., JOLY D., CAPY P. and CARIOU M-L. 2008 Comments on the proposed conservation of usage of Drosophila Fallén, 1823 (Insecta, Diptera). Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 65(2): 147
LORETO ELS., CARARETO CMA. and CAPY P. 2008 Revisiting horizontal transfer of transposable elements in Drosophila Heredity 100(6): 545
PICOT S., WALLAU GL., LORETO ELS., HEREDIA FO., HUA-VAN A. and CAPY P. 2008 The mariner transposable element in natural populations of Drosophila simulans. Heredity 101: 53
YASSIN A., CAPY P., MADI-RAVAZZI L., OGEREAU D. and DAVID JR. 2008 DNA barcode discovers two cryptic species and two geographic radiations in the invasive drosophilid, Zaprionus indianus. Molecular Ecology Reources 8: 491
MAISONHAUTE C., HUA-VAN A., OGEREAU D and CAPY P. 2007 Amplification of the 1731 LTR retrotransposon in Drosophila melanogaster cells : origin of neocopies and impact on the genome. Gene 393: 116
BONIZZONI M., GOMULSKI L., MALACRIDA AR., CAPY P. and GASPERI G. 2007 Highly similar piggyBac transposase-like sequences from various Bactrocera (Diptera, Tephritidae) species Insect Molecular Biology 16: 645
CHAKIR M., MORETEAU B., CAPY P. and DAVID J R. 2007 Journal of Thermal Biology 32: 1
LE ROUZIC, A., BOUTIN, T. S. and CAPY, P. 2007 Long-term evolution of transposable elements. PNAS 104: 19375 pdf url
LE ROUZIC, A., DUPAS, S. and CAPY, P. 2007 Genome ecosystem and transposable elements species. Gene 390: 214 pdf url
WICKER T., SABOT F., HUA-VAN A., BENNETZEN J.L., CAPY P., CHALHOUB B., FLAVELL A., LEROY P., MORGANTE M., PANAUD O., PAUX E., SANMIGUEL P. and SCHULMAN A.H. 2007 A unified classification system for eukaryotic transposable elements. Nat Rev Genet 8: 973
YASSIN A., ABOU-YOUSSEF A., BITTNER-MATHE B., CAPY P. and DAVID J R. 2007 Developmental stress in wild living drosophilids inferred from biometry: metric and meristic traits react differently to heterogeneous environmental conditions Ecological entomology 32: 1
YASSIN A., ABOU-YOUSSEF A., BITTNER-MATHE B., CAPY P. and DAVID J.R. 2007 Mesosternal bristle number in a cosmopolitan drosophilid: an X-linked trait independent of sternopleural bristles Journal of Genetics 86: 149
DAVID J.R, ARARIPE L.O, BITNER-MATHE B.C, CAPY P, GONI B, KLACZKO L.B, LEGOUT H, MARTINS M.B, VOUIDIBIO J, YASSIN A and MORETEAU B 2006 Quantitative trait analysis and geographic variability of natural populations of Zaprionus indianus, a recent invader in Brazil Heredity 96: 53
DAVID J.R, ARARIPE L.O, BITNER-MATHE B.C, CAPY P, GONI B, KLACZKO L.B, LEGOUT H, MARTINS M.B, VOUIDIBIO J, YASSIN A and MORETEAU B 2006 Sexual dimorphism of body size and sternopleural bristle number: a comparison of geographic populations of an invasive cosmopolitan drosophilid Genetica 128: 109
LE ROUZIC, A. and CAPY, P. 2006 Reversible introduction of transgenes in natural populations of insects. Insect Molecular Biology 15: 227 pdf url
LE ROUZIC, A. and CAPY, P. 2006 Population genetics models of competition between transposable element subfamilies. Genetics 174: 785 pdf url
MILLER W and CAPY P. 2006 Applying Mobile Genetic Elements for Genome Analysis and Evolution. Molecular Biotechnology 33: 161
LE ROUZIC, A. and CAPY, P. 2005 The first steps of transposable elements invasion: parasitic strategy vs. genetic drift. Genetics 169: 1033 pdf url
CAPY P. 2005 Classification and nomenclature of retrotransposable elements. Cytogenetics and Genome Research. Special Issue “Retrotransposable Elements and Genome Evoluti 110: 457
DAVID J.R., GIBERT P., LEGOUT H., PETAVY G., CAPY P. and MORETEAU B. 2005 Isofemale lines in Drosophila: an empirical approach to quantitative traits analysis in natural populations. Heredity 94: 3
HAERTY W., LESBATS M. and CAPY P. 2005 Pre-reproductive isolation as a consequence of allopatric differentiation between populations of Drosophila melanogaster. Molecular Ecology 14: 3801
HUA-VAN A., LE ROUZIC A., MAISONHAUTE C. and CAPY P. 2005 Abundance, distribution and dynamics of retrotransposable elements and transposons: similarities and differences. Cytogenetics and Genome Research 110: 426 pdf url
TORTI C., GOMULSKI L., BONIZZONI M., MURELLI V., MORALLI D., GULGLIELMINO CR., RAIMONDI E., CRISAFULLI D., CAPY P., GASPERI G. and MALACRIDA AR. 2005 Cchobo, a hobo-related sequence in Ceratitis capitata. 0(123): 313
CAPY P. 2004 Classification and nomenclature of retrotransposable elements. Cytogenetics and Genome Research. 110: 457
CAPY P. and GIBERT P. 2004 Drosophila melanogaster, Drosophila simulans:so similar yet so different Kluwer Academic Publishers. 0: 0
DAVID J.R., ALLEMAND R., CAPY P., CHAKIR M.,GIBERT P., PETAVY G. and MORETEAU B. 2004 Comparative life histories and ecophysiology of Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans. Genetica 120: 151
GIBERT P., CAPY P., IMASHEVA A., MORETEAU B., MORIN J.P., PETAVY G. and DAVID J.R. 2004 Comparative analysis of morphological traits among Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans: genetic variability, clines and phenotypic plasticity. Genetica 120: 165
KALMYKOVA A.I., KWON D.A., ROZOVSKY Y.A., HUEBER ., CAPY P., MAISONHAUTE C. and GVOZDEV V.A. 2004 Expansion of the newly genomic variant of the Drosophila retrotransposon 1731 with extended expression profile and lacking frameshift Molecular Biology and Evolution 21: 2281
LUCAS H. and CAPY P 2004 Retrotransposons in Poaceae. In Viruses and virus diseases of Poaceae. Eds H.Lapierre et P.Signoret. Edition INRA 0: 0
MILLER W.J. and CAPY P. 2004 Mobile Genetic elements: Protocols and Genomic Applications The Humana Press Inc 0: 0
CAPY P. and DERAGON J.M. 2003 Transposons Encyclopedia of Human Genome. Nature Publishing Group. 0: 0
DABOUSSI M.J. and CAPY P. 2003 Transposable elements in filamentous fungi Annual Review of Microbiology 57: 275
HAERTY W., GIBERT P., CAPY P., MORETEAU B. and DAVID J.R. 2003 Microspatial structure of Drosophila melanogaster populations in Brazzaville: evidence of natural selection acting on morphometrical traits. Heredity 91: 440
KARAN D., LESBATS M., DAVID J.R. and CAPY. 2003 Evolution of the AMP-forming Acetyl-CoA Synthetase gene in the Drosophilidae family Journal of Molecular Evolution 57: 0
BRUNET F., GIRAUD T., GODIN F. and CAPY P. 2002 Do deletions of Mos1-like elements occur randomly in the Drosophilidae family? Journal of Molecular Evolution 54: 227
CAPY P. and DERAGON J.M. 2002 Transposons Encyclopedia of Human Genome – 0: 0
CAPY P. and MAISONHAUTE C. 2002 Acquisition/loss of modules: the construction set of transposable elements Russian Journal of Genetics 38: 594
HAERTY W., JALLON J.M., ROUAULT J. and CAPY P. 2002 Reproductive isolation in natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster from Brazzaville (Congo). Genetica (Special issue on Genetics of Speciation) 116: 215
LERAT E., CAPY P. and BIEMONT C. 2002 Codon usage by transposable elements and their host genes among five species J. Mol. Evol. 54: 625
LERAT E., CAPY P. and BIEMONT C. 2002 The relative abundance of dinucleotides in transposable elements in five species Mol. Biol. Evol. 19: 964
GOMULSKI L.M., TORTI C., BONIZZONI M., MORALLI D., RAIMONDI E., CAPY P., GASPERI G. and MALACRIDA A.R. 2001 A new basal subfamily of mariner elements in Ceratitis rosa and other Tephritid flies J. Mol. Evol. 53: 597
KARAN D., DAVID J.R. and CAPY P. 2001 Molecular Evolution of the AMP-forming Acetyl-CoA Synthetase. Gene 265: 95
ROUAULT J., CAPY P. and JALLON J.M. 2001 Variations of Male Cuticular Hydrocarbons with Geoclimatic Variables: an Adaptative Mechanism in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetica (sous presse) 0: 0
BAZIN C., MAISONHAUTE C. and CAPY P. 2000 Evolution de la taille des génomes: expansion et/ou contraction. Médecine/sciences 16: 814
CAPY P. 2000 Perspectives: evolution. Is bigger better in cricket. Science 287: 985
CAPY P., GASPERI G., BIEMONT C. and BAZIN C. 2000 Stress and transposable elements: co-evolution or useful parasites. Heredity 85: 101
CAPY, P., VEUILLE, M., PAILLETTE, M., JALLON, J.M., VOUIDIBIO, J. and DAVID, J.R. 2000 Sexual isolation of genetically differentiated sympatric populations of Drosophila melanogaster in Brazzaville Congo: the first step towards speciation. Heredity 84: 468
DERAGON J.M. and CAPY P. 2000 Impact of transposable elements on the human genome. Ann. Med. 32: 264
LERAT E., BIEMONT C. and CAPY P. 2000 Codon usage and the origin of P elements Mol. Biol. Evol. 17: 467
TORTI C., GOMULSKI L.M., MORALLI D., RAIMONDI E., ROBERTSON H.M., CAPY P., GASPERI G. and MALACRIDA A.R. 2000 Evolution of different subfamilies of mariner elements within the medfly genome inferred from abundance and chromosomal distribution. Chromosoma 108: 523
BAZIN C., DENIS B., CAPY P., BONNIVARD E. and HIGUET D. 1999 Characterization of permissivity for hobo-mediated gonadal dysgenesis in Drosophila melanogaster. Mol. Gen. Genet. 261: 480
BRUNET F., GODIN F., BAZIN C. and CAPY P. 1999 Phylogenetic analysis of Mos1-like transposable elements in the Drosophilidae. J. Mol. Evol. 49: 760
GRENIER E., ABADON M., BRUNET F., CAPY P. and ABAD P. 1999 A mariner-like transposable element in the insect parasite nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora. J. Mol. Evol. 48: 328
HARRY M., RASHKOVETSKY E., PAVLICEK T., BAKER S., DERZHAVETS E.M., CAPY P., CARIOU M-L., LACHAISE D., ASADA N. and NEVO E. 1999 Fine-scale biodiversity of Drosophilidae in ‘Evolution Canyon’ at the Lower Nahal Oren microsite, Israel. Biologia, Bratisl. 54: 685
LERAT E., BRUNET F., BAZIN C. and CAPY P. 1999 Is the evolution of transposable elements modular? In Transposable element and Genome Evolution. Genetica 107: 15
LERAT E. and CAPY P. 1999 Retrotransposons and retroviruses: analysis of the envelope gene. Mol. Biol. Evol. 16: 1198
CAPY P. 1998 Evolutionary biology. A plastic genome. Nature 396: 522
HUA-VAN A., HERICOURT F., CAPY P., DABOUSSI M.J. and LANGIN T. 1998 Three highly divergent subfamilies of the impala transposable element coexist in the genome of the fungus Fusarium oxysporum. Mol. Gen. Genet. 259: 354
CAPY P., BAZIN C., LANGIN T. and HIGUET D. 1997 Evolution and Impact of Transposable Elements. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. 0: 0
Chapitres d’ouvrages
Capy, P. 2015. Le génome, une mosaïque d’ADN à explorer. In Empreinte du vivant l’ADN de l’environnement, eds. D. Joly, D. Faure & S. Salamitou. cherche-midi.
Capy, P. 2014. Du laboratoire de Génétique Evolution et Biométrie au laboratoire Evolution, Génomes et Spéciation. In Le laboratoire CNRS de Génétique Evolutive de Gif: de part et d’autre de l’oeuvre de Georges Tessier, ed. L. Loison. Hermann (Intersciences).