Head of EGCE - Evolution, Genomes, Comportement et Ecologie (UMR CNRS, Univ. Paris-Saclay & IRD). Senior scientist, INRA, then CNRS since 2013Ingénieure Agronome of AgroParisTech; PhD (1988) and HDR (2000) in biology at the University Paris-Saclay Tél. 33 1 69 15 49 93 ; Mèl. laure.kaiser-arnauld@universite-paris-saclay.fr / or @ird.fr / or @cnrs.fr
What are the mechanisms by which insects adapt their reproductive and feeding behaviors ? With my colleagues and students, we address this question in the framework of the ecology and evolution of cereal noctuid stemborers (Busseola, Sesamia ) and their parasitoids (species of the C. flavipes complex) in sub-Saharan Africa.
We investigate molecular, genetic, sensory, behavioural, and developmental mechanisms, that may account for parasitic specialisation. We found that one Cotesia population specialized on the stemborer S. nonagrioides, was a distinct species, likely formed by ecological speciation (Kaiser et al., 2015, 2017). We called it Cotesia typhae . It is thus a potential biological control agent against this Lepidoptera which is a maize pest in southern Europa. In this perspective we have evaluated its potential to control this Mediterranean corn borer (CoteBio ANR-AFB funded project, resp. L.K., https://cotebio.org/ ) by analysing life history traits that contribute to reproductive success, physiological and genomic processus of virulence/resistance interactions (MĂ¼ller et al. 2022; Gornard et al. 2024a) and genomic polymorphism associated to intra and inter populational variations of these traits (Benoist et al. 2020a, b; Gornard et al. 2024b). We also conducted an environmental risk-assessment of the potential introduction of C. typhae in France, which concluded on low risk (https://cnrs.hal.science/hal-04109322 ; Fortuna et al., 2023) ; we worked on the susceptibility of the reproductive success to temperature variations (collab. IRBI, Bressac et al., 2023). In collaboration with the technical institute ARVALIS, C. typhae efficiency against de maize pest was demonstrated in greenhouse conditions. The next step is to test C. typhae release in experimental fiel conditions, which will be done in the frame of Biocosma project coordinated by BiolineAgrosciences (https://anr.fr/Projet-ANR-23-ECOM-0003 ).
Project participants (staff members): EGCE : S. Bothorel, J.L. Da lage, P.A. Calatayud, C. Capdevielle-Dulac, S. Dupas, C. Gilbert, R. Jeannette, L. Kaiser, T. Marques Fortuna, F. Mougel, F. Rebaudo ; icipe (Nairobi) : P.A. Calatayud lab ; Arvalis: J.B. Thibord ; UMR GQE : J. Legrand ; BiolineAgroScience : J. Frandon, T. Andrieux.
See also: - https://www.ird.fr/lutte-biologique-contre-la-sesamie-un-parasite-au-secours-du-mais - https://passion-entomologie.fr/cotesia-typhae-lutte-biologique2-2/ - Le Monde, Video Plan B "Comment des insectes peuvent sauver des millions d'humains", 16/12/2019 ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCX-lCp18To - ARTE documentary "Les nouveaux guerriers des champs" https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/056813-000-A/les-nouveaux-guerriers-des-champs/ - Kaiser et al. 2015, Evolutionary applications https://www.cnrs.fr/inee/communication/breves/b125.html
Keywords : adaptation, ecological specialisation, genetic variability, biological control, behaviour, foraging, oviposition, feeding
Previous topics - appetitive odour learning in Drosophila: learning conditions, memory dynamics and social interactions (CNRS Gif, INAF, lab. DEPSN, group of Thomas Preat, and INRA, LNCI, Bures-sur-Yvette) - physiological and genetic variability of learning to search for hosts in parasitic wasps (INRA, LNCI, Bures-sur-Yvette) - effects of insecticidal molecules (in insecticides or genetically modified plants) on behaviour and development of parasitic wasps (INRA, LNCI, Bures-sur-Yvette)
Studied genus LĂ©pidoptère : Sesamia ; Diptère : Drosophila HymĂ©noptères parasitoĂ¯des : Aphidius ; Cotesia ; Leptopilina ; Trichogramma
Experimental analysis of insect behaviours in lab. conditions We use apparatus and methodologies designed to observe orientation (four-arm and Y-tube olfactometers), mating, oviposition and food intake, in response to odours. We set up a system for automatic recording of food searching in Lepidoptera larvae (actimeter). Behavioural traits are acquired and analysed using dedicated softwares. Oviposition and food intake can be observed in imobilized insects under microscope. Rapid behaviours are analysed from videorecordings.
Gornard, S., Venon, P., Drabo, S., Kaiser, L., & Mougel, F. (2025). Improving parasitism success of a weakly virulent parasitoid strain.
Journal of Insect Physiology ,
160 , 104742.
Gornard, S., Venon, P., Lasfont, F., Balliau, T., Kaiser, L., & Mougel, F. (2024). Characterizing virulence differences in a parasitoid wasp through comparative transcriptomic and proteomic.
BMC Genomics ,
25 (1), 940.
Gornard, S., Mougel, F., Germon, I., Borday-Birraux, V., Venon, P., Drabo, S., & Kaiser, L. (2024). Cellular dynamics of host − parasitoid interactions: Insights from the encapsulation process in a partially resistant host.
Journal of Insect Physiology ,
155 , 104646.
Fortuna, T. M., Thibord, J.-B., Frandon, J., & Kaiser, L. (2024).
Promouvoir une espèce de Cotesia comme premier agent de lutte biologique contre la sésamie du maïs . VÉGÉPHYL – CIRAA 2025, Montpellier.
Fortuna, T. M., Colin-Duchevet, L., Desreumaux, Y., Jeannette, R., Le Gonnidec, M., Le Ru, B., Mettauer, R., Mougel, F., & Kaiser, L. (2024). Non-target risk assessment of Cotesia typhae, a potential biological control agent of the Mediterranean corn borer.
Biological Control ,
199 , 105657.
Fortuna, T. M., Anne, M., Le Gonnidec, M., Jeannette, R., Bressac, C., Rebaudo, F., Mougel, F., & Kaiser, L. (2023). Susceptibility to cold suggests low risk of establishment of a tropical parasitoid attacking the corn pest Sesamia nonagrioides.
Biological Control ,
186 , 105359.
Bressac, C., El Sabrout, A., Kifouche, F., Anne, M., Capdevielle-Dulac, C., Mougel, F., & Kaiser, L. (2023). Hot and cold waves decrease sperm production and bias sex ratio in the parasitoid wasp Cotesia typhae (Hymenoptera, Braconidae).
Journal of Insect Physiology ,
149 , 104553.
Muller, H., Heisserer, C., Fortuna, T., Mougel, F., Huguet, E., Kaiser, L., & Gilbert, C. (2022). Investigating bracovirus chromosomal integration and inheritance in lepidopteran host and nontarget species.
Molecular Ecology ,
31 (21), 5538–5551.
Fortuna, T., Ruiz, I., Manson, J., Jeannette, R., Peyhorgue, A., Thibord, J.-B., & Kaiser, L. (2022). Un nouvel auxiliaire pour une lutte biologique contre la sésamie du maïs: essais en serre. Phloeme 2022 , 3 , 65–73.
Capdevielle Dulac, C., Benoist, R., Paquet, S., Calatayud, P.-A., Obonyo, J., Kaiser, L., & Mougel, F. (2022). Spontaneous parthenogenesis in the parasitoid wasp Cotesia typhae: low frequency anomaly or evolving process?
Peer Community Journal ,
2 , e37.
Muller, H., Ogereau, D., Da Lage, J.-L., Capdevielle, C., Pollet, N., Fortuna, T., Jeannette, R., Kaiser, L., & Gilbert, C. (2021). Draft nuclear genome and complete mitogenome of the Mediterranean corn borer, Sesamia nonagrioides, a major pest of maize.
G3 (Bethesda, Md.) ,
11 (7), jkab155.
Gauthier, J., Boulain, H., van Vugt, J. J. F. A., Baudry, L., Persyn, E., Aury, J.-M., Noel, B., Bretaudeau, A., Legeai, F., Warris, S., Chebbi, M. A., Dubreuil, G., Duvic, B., Kremer, N., Gayral, P., Musset, K., Josse, T., Bigot, D., Bressac, C., … Drezen, J.-M. (2021). Chromosomal scale assembly of parasitic wasp genome reveals symbiotic virus colonization.
Commun Biol ,
4 (1), 104.
Muller, H., Chebbi, M. A., Bouzar, C., Périquet, G., Fortuna, T., Calatayud, P.-A., Le Ru, B., Obonyo, J., Kaiser, L., & Drezen, J.-M. (2021). Genome-wide patterns of bracovirus chromosomal integration into multiple host tissues during parasitism.
Journal of Virology ,
95 (22), 10–1128.
Benoist, R., Paquet, S., Decourcelle, F., Guez, J., Jeannette, R., Calatayud, P.-A., Le Ru, B., Mougel, F., & Kaiser, L. (2020). Role of egg-laying behavior, virulence and local adaptation in a parasitoid’s chances of reproducing in a new host.
Journal of Insect Physiology ,
120 , 103987.
Oulhaci, C. M., Denis, B., Kilani-Morakchi, S., Sandoz, J.-C., Kaiser, L., Joly, D., & Aribi, N. (2018). Azadirachtin effects on mating success, gametic abnormalities and progeny survival in
Drosophila melanogaster (Diptera): Azadirachtin reproductive toxicity.
Pest Management Science ,
74 (1), 174–180.
Benoist, R., Chantre, C., Capdevielle-Dulac, C., Bodet, M., Mougel, F., Calatayud, P. A., Dupas, S., Huguet, E., Jeannette, R., Obonyo, J., Odorico, C., Silvain, J. F., Le Ru, B., & Kaiser, L. (2017). Relationship between oviposition, virulence gene expression and parasitism success in Cotesia typhae nov. sp. parasitoid strains.
Genetica ,
145 (6), 469–479.
Aribi, N., Oulhaci, M. C., Kilani-Morakchi, S., Sandoz, J. C., Kaiser, L., Denis, B., & Joly, D. (2017). Azadirachtin impact on mate choice, female sexual receptivity and male activity in Drosophila melanogaster (Diptera: Drosophilidae).
Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology ,
143 , 95–101.
Kaiser, L., Dupas, S., Branca, A., Herniou, E., Clarke, C., Capdevielle Dulac, C., Obonyo, J., Benoist, R., Gauthier, J., Calatayud, P.-A., & others. (2017). The Cotesia sesamiae story: insight into host-range evolution in a Hymenoptera parasitoid and implication for its use in biological control programs. Genetica , 145 , 455–468.
Kaiser, L., Le Ru, B. P., Kaoula, F., Paillusson, C., Capdevielle-Dulac, C., Obonyo, J. O., Herniou, E. A., Jancek, S., Branca, A., Calatayud, P.-A., & others. (2015). Ongoing ecological speciation in Cotesia sesamiae, a biological control agent of cereal stem borers. Evolutionary Applications , 8 (8), 807–820.
Original articles (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Laure_Kaiser/publications) :