Phone : 33 1 69 15 65 55
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Mail  David.Ogereau@universite-paris-saclay.fr




  • Helleu, Q., P. GĂ©rard, R. Dubruille, D. Ogereau, B. Prud’homme, B. Loppin & M. Montchamp-Moreau (2016) Rapid evolution of a Y-chromosome heterochromatin protein underlies sex chromosome meiotic drive. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 113, 4110-4115. 10.1073/pnas.1519332113.
  • BASTIDE H., GERARD P.R., OGEREAU D., CAZEMAJOR M., MONTCHAMP-MOREAU C. 2013 Local dynamics of a fast-evolving sex-ratio system in Drosophila simulans. Mol Ecol 22(21):5352-67
  • FOUVRY L., OGEREAU D., BERGER A., GAVORY F., MONTCHAMP-MOREAU C. 2011 Sequence analysis of the segmental duplication responsible for Paris sex-ratio drive in Drosophila simulans. G3 1(5): 401-410
  • BASTIDE H., CAZEMAJOR M., OGEREAU D., DEROME N., HOSPITAL F., MONTCHAMP-MOREAU C. 2011 Rapid rise and fall of selfish sex-ratio X chromosomes in Drosophila simulans: spatiotemporal analysis of phenotypic and molecular data Mol Biol Evol 28: 2461
  • WURMSER F., OGEREAU D., MARY-HUARD T., LORIOD B., JOLY D., MONTCHAMP-MOREAU C. 2011 Population transcriptomics: insights from Drosophila simulans, Drosophila sechellia and their hybrids. Genetica 39: 465
  • DEROME N., BAUDRY E., OGEREAU D. VEUILLLE M., MONTCHAMP-MOREAU C. and 2008 Selective Sweeps in a Two-Locus Model for Sex-Ratio Meiotic Drive in Drosophila simulans Molecular Biology and Evolution 25(2): 409
  • YASSIN A., CAPY P., MADI-RAVAZZI L., OGEREAU D. and DAVID JR. 2008 DNA barcode discovers two cryptic species and two geographic radiations in the invasive drosophilid, Zaprionus indianus. Molecular Ecology Resources 8: 491
  • YASSIN, A., ARARIPE, L.O., CAPY, P., DA LAGE, J-L., KLACZKO L.B., MAISONHAUTE C., OGEREAU D. and DAVID J.R. 2008 Grafting the molecular phylogenetic tree with morphological branches to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the genus Zaprionus (Diptera : Drosophilidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 47: 903
  • MAISONHAUTE C., HUA-VAN A., OGEREAU D and CAPY P. 2007 Amplification of the 1731 LTR retrotransposon in Drosophila melanogaster cells : origin of neocopies and impact on the genome. Gene 393: 116
  • MONTCHAMP-MOREAU C., OGEREAU D., CHAMINADE N., COLARD A., AULARD S. and 2006 Organization of the sex-ratio meiotic drive region in Drosophila simulans. Genetics. 174: 1365
  • UZBEKOV R., TIMIRBULATOVA E., WATRIN E., CUBIZOLLES F., OGEREAU D., GULAK P., LEGAGNEUX V., POLYAKOV VJ., , LE GUELLEC K. and KIREEV I. 2003 Nucleolar association of pEg7 and XCAP-E, two members of Xenopus laevis condensin complex in interphase cells. J Cell Sci. 116: 1667

Publication (via Zotero) :

Muller, H., Ogereau, D., Da Lage, J.-L., Capdevielle, C., Pollet, N., Fortuna, T., Jeannette, R., Kaiser, L., & Gilbert, C. (2021). Draft nuclear genome and complete mitogenome of the Mediterranean corn borer, Sesamia nonagrioides, a major pest of maize. G3 (Bethesda, Md.), 11(7), jkab155. https://doi.org/10.1093/g3journal/jkab155
Bastide, H., Ogereau, D., Montchamp-Moreau, C., & Gérard, P. R. (2022). The fate of a suppressed X-linked meiotic driver: experimental evolution in Drosophila simulans. Chromosome Research, 30(2–3), 141–150. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10577-022-09698-1
David, J. R., Ferreira, E. A., Jabaud, L., Ogereau, D., Bastide, H., & Yassin, A. (2022). Evolution of assortative mating following selective introgression of pigmentation genes between two Drosophila species. Ecology and Evolution, 12(4), e8821. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.8821
Bastide, H., López-Villavicencio, M., Ogereau, D., Lledo, J., Dutrillaux, A.-M., Debat, V., & Llaurens, V. (2023). Genome assembly of 3 Amazonian Morpho butterfly species reveals Z-chromosome rearrangements between closely related species living in sympatry. GigaScience, 12, giad033. https://doi.org/10.1093/gigascience/giad033
Bastide, H., Legout, H., Dogbo, N., Ogereau, D., Prediger, C., Carcaud, J., Filée, J., Garnery, L., Gilbert, C., Marion-Poll, F., Requier, F., Sandoz, J.-C., & Yassin, A. (2024). The genome of the blind bee louse fly reveals deep convergences with its social host and illuminates Drosophila origins. Current Biology, S0960982224000356. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2024.01.034
Legout, H., Ogereau, D., Carcaud, J., Filée, J., Garnery, L., Gilbert, C., Requier, F., Sandoz, J.-C., Yassin, A., & Bastide, H. (2022). The genome of the bee louse fly reveals deep convergences in the evolution of social inquilinism. https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.11.08.515706
Bastide, H., Gérard, P. R., Ogereau, D., Cazemajor, M., & Montchamp-Moreau, C. (2013). Local dynamics of a fast-evolving sex-ratio system in Drosophila simulans. Molecular Ecology, 22(21), 5352–5367. https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.12492
Bastide, H., Cazemajor, M., Ogereau, D., Derome, N., Hospital, F., & Montchamp-Moreau, C. (2011). Rapid rise and fall of selfish sex-ratio X chromosomes in Drosophila simulans: spatiotemporal analysis of phenotypic and molecular data. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 28(9), 2461–2470. https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msr074
Maisonhaute, C., Ogereau, D., Hua-Van, A., & Capy, P. (2007). Amplification of the 1731 LTR retrotransposon in Drosophila melanogaster cultured cells: Origin of neocopies and impact on the genome. Gene, 393(1–2), 116–126. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gene.2007.02.001
Yassin, A., Araripe, L. O., Capy, P., Da Lage, J.-L., Klaczko, L. B., Maisonhaute, C., Ogereau, D., & David, J. R. (2008). Grafting the molecular phylogenetic tree with morphological branches to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the genus Zaprionus (Diptera : Drosophilidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 47, 903–915.
Courret, C., Gérard, P. R., Ogereau, D., Falque, M., Moreau, L., & Montchamp-Moreau, C. (2018). X-chromosome meiotic drive in Drosophila simulans: a QTL approach reveals the complex polygenic determinism of Paris drive suppression. Heredity, 906–915. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41437-018-0163-1
Fouvry, L., Ogereau, D., Berger, a., Gavory, F., Montchamp-Moreau, C., & McKim, K. S. (2011). Sequence Analysis of the Segmental Duplication Responsible for Paris Sex-Ratio Drive in Drosophila simulans. G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, 1(5), 401–410. https://doi.org/10.1534/g3.111.000315
Derome, N., Baudry, E., Ogereau, D., Veuille, M., & Montchamp-Moreau, C. (2008). Selective sweeps in a 2-locus model for sex-ratio meiotic drive in Drosophila simulans. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 25(2), 409–416. https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msm269
Helleu, Q., Gérard, P. R., Dubruille, R., Ogereau, D., Prud’homme, B., Loppin, B., & Montchamp-Moreau, C. (2016). Rapid evolution of a Y-chromosome heterochromatin protein underlies sex chromosome meiotic drive. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201519332. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1519332113
Wurmser, F., Ogereau, D., Mary-Huard, T., Loriod, B., Joly, D., & Montchamp-Moreau, C. (2011). Population transcriptomics: Insights from Drosophila simulans,Drosophila sechellia and their hybrids. Genetica, 139(4), 465–477. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10709-011-9566-0
Montchamp-Moreau, C., Ogereau, D., Chaminade, N., Colard, A., & Aulard, S. (2006). Organization of the sex-ratio meiotic drive region in Drosophila simulans. Genetics, 174(3), 1365–1371. https://doi.org/10.1534/genetics.105.051755
Yassin, A., Araripe, L. O., Capy, P., Da Lage, J. L., Klaczko, L. B., Maisonhaute, C., Ogereau, D., & David, J. R. (2008). Grafting the molecular phylogenetic tree with morphological branches to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the genus Zaprionus (Diptera: Drosophilidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 47(3), 903–915. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2008.01.036
Bastide, H., Cazemajor, M., Ogereau, D., Derome, N., Hospital, F., & Montchamp-Moreau, C. (2011). Fast Rise and Fall of Selfish Sex-Ratio X Chromosomes in Drosophila simulans: Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Phenotypic and Molecular Data. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 28(9), 2461–2470.
Yassin, A., Capy, P., Madi-Ravazzi, L., Ogereau, D., & David, J. R. (2008). DNA barcode discovers two cryptic species and two geographical radiations in the invasive drosophilid Zaprionus indianus. Molecular Ecology Resources, 8(3), 491–501. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1471-8286.2007.02020.x
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