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- Helleu, Q., P. GĂ©rard, R. Dubruille, D. Ogereau, B. Prud’homme, B. Loppin & M. Montchamp-Moreau (2016) Rapid evolution of a Y-chromosome heterochromatin protein underlies sex chromosome meiotic drive. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 113, 4110-4115. 10.1073/pnas.1519332113.
- BASTIDE H., GERARD P.R., OGEREAU D., CAZEMAJOR M., MONTCHAMP-MOREAU C. 2013 Local dynamics of a fast-evolving sex-ratio system in Drosophila simulans. Mol Ecol 22(21):5352-67
- FOUVRY L., OGEREAU D., BERGER A., GAVORY F., MONTCHAMP-MOREAU C. 2011 Sequence analysis of the segmental duplication responsible for Paris sex-ratio drive in Drosophila simulans. G3 1(5): 401-410
- BASTIDE H., CAZEMAJOR M., OGEREAU D., DEROME N., HOSPITAL F., MONTCHAMP-MOREAU C. 2011 Rapid rise and fall of selfish sex-ratio X chromosomes in Drosophila simulans: spatiotemporal analysis of phenotypic and molecular data Mol Biol Evol 28: 2461
- WURMSER F., OGEREAU D., MARY-HUARD T., LORIOD B., JOLY D., MONTCHAMP-MOREAU C. 2011 Population transcriptomics: insights from Drosophila simulans, Drosophila sechellia and their hybrids. Genetica 39: 465
- DEROME N., BAUDRY E., OGEREAU D. VEUILLLE M., MONTCHAMP-MOREAU C. and 2008 Selective Sweeps in a Two-Locus Model for Sex-Ratio Meiotic Drive in Drosophila simulans Molecular Biology and Evolution 25(2): 409
- YASSIN A., CAPY P., MADI-RAVAZZI L., OGEREAU D. and DAVID JR. 2008 DNA barcode discovers two cryptic species and two geographic radiations in the invasive drosophilid, Zaprionus indianus. Molecular Ecology Resources 8: 491
- YASSIN, A., ARARIPE, L.O., CAPY, P., DA LAGE, J-L., KLACZKO L.B., MAISONHAUTE C., OGEREAU D. and DAVID J.R. 2008 Grafting the molecular phylogenetic tree with morphological branches to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the genus Zaprionus (Diptera : Drosophilidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 47: 903
- MAISONHAUTE C., HUA-VAN A., OGEREAU D and CAPY P. 2007 Amplification of the 1731 LTR retrotransposon in Drosophila melanogaster cells : origin of neocopies and impact on the genome. Gene 393: 116
- MONTCHAMP-MOREAU C., OGEREAU D., CHAMINADE N., COLARD A., AULARD S. and 2006 Organization of the sex-ratio meiotic drive region in Drosophila simulans. Genetics. 174: 1365
- UZBEKOV R., TIMIRBULATOVA E., WATRIN E., CUBIZOLLES F., OGEREAU D., GULAK P., LEGAGNEUX V., POLYAKOV VJ., , LE GUELLEC K. and KIREEV I. 2003 Nucleolar association of pEg7 and XCAP-E, two members of Xenopus laevis condensin complex in interphase cells. J Cell Sci. 116: 1667
Publication (via Zotero) :
Muller, H., Ogereau, D., Da Lage, J.-L., Capdevielle, C., Pollet, N., Fortuna, T., Jeannette, R., Kaiser, L., & Gilbert, C. (2021). Draft nuclear genome and complete mitogenome of the Mediterranean corn borer, Sesamia nonagrioides, a major pest of maize. G3 (Bethesda, Md.), 11(7), jkab155.
Bastide, H., Ogereau, D., Montchamp-Moreau, C., & Gérard, P. R. (2022). The fate of a suppressed X-linked meiotic driver: experimental evolution in Drosophila simulans. Chromosome Research, 30(2–3), 141–150.
David, J. R., Ferreira, E. A., Jabaud, L., Ogereau, D., Bastide, H., & Yassin, A. (2022). Evolution of assortative mating following selective introgression of pigmentation genes between two Drosophila species. Ecology and Evolution, 12(4), e8821.
Bastide, H., López-Villavicencio, M., Ogereau, D., Lledo, J., Dutrillaux, A.-M., Debat, V., & Llaurens, V. (2023). Genome assembly of 3 Amazonian Morpho butterfly species reveals Z-chromosome rearrangements between closely related species living in sympatry. GigaScience, 12, giad033.
Bastide, H., Legout, H., Dogbo, N., Ogereau, D., Prediger, C., Carcaud, J., Filée, J., Garnery, L., Gilbert, C., Marion-Poll, F., Requier, F., Sandoz, J.-C., & Yassin, A. (2024). The genome of the blind bee louse fly reveals deep convergences with its social host and illuminates Drosophila origins. Current Biology, S0960982224000356.
Legout, H., Ogereau, D., Carcaud, J., Filée, J., Garnery, L., Gilbert, C., Requier, F., Sandoz, J.-C., Yassin, A., & Bastide, H. (2022). The genome of the bee louse fly reveals deep convergences in the evolution of social inquilinism.
Bastide, H., Gérard, P. R., Ogereau, D., Cazemajor, M., & Montchamp-Moreau, C. (2013). Local dynamics of a fast-evolving sex-ratio system in Drosophila simulans. Molecular Ecology, 22(21), 5352–5367.
Bastide, H., Cazemajor, M., Ogereau, D., Derome, N., Hospital, F., & Montchamp-Moreau, C. (2011). Rapid rise and fall of selfish sex-ratio X chromosomes in Drosophila simulans: spatiotemporal analysis of phenotypic and molecular data. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 28(9), 2461–2470.
Maisonhaute, C., Ogereau, D., Hua-Van, A., & Capy, P. (2007). Amplification of the 1731 LTR retrotransposon in Drosophila melanogaster cultured cells: Origin of neocopies and impact on the genome. Gene, 393(1–2), 116–126.
Yassin, A., Araripe, L. O., Capy, P., Da Lage, J.-L., Klaczko, L. B., Maisonhaute, C., Ogereau, D., & David, J. R. (2008). Grafting the molecular phylogenetic tree with morphological branches to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the genus Zaprionus (Diptera : Drosophilidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 47, 903–915.
Courret, C., Gérard, P. R., Ogereau, D., Falque, M., Moreau, L., & Montchamp-Moreau, C. (2018). X-chromosome meiotic drive in Drosophila simulans: a QTL approach reveals the complex polygenic determinism of Paris drive suppression. Heredity, 906–915.
Fouvry, L., Ogereau, D., Berger, a., Gavory, F., Montchamp-Moreau, C., & McKim, K. S. (2011). Sequence Analysis of the Segmental Duplication Responsible for Paris Sex-Ratio Drive in Drosophila simulans. G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, 1(5), 401–410.
Derome, N., Baudry, E., Ogereau, D., Veuille, M., & Montchamp-Moreau, C. (2008). Selective sweeps in a 2-locus model for sex-ratio meiotic drive in Drosophila simulans. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 25(2), 409–416.
Helleu, Q., Gérard, P. R., Dubruille, R., Ogereau, D., Prud’homme, B., Loppin, B., & Montchamp-Moreau, C. (2016). Rapid evolution of a Y-chromosome heterochromatin protein underlies sex chromosome meiotic drive. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201519332.
Wurmser, F., Ogereau, D., Mary-Huard, T., Loriod, B., Joly, D., & Montchamp-Moreau, C. (2011). Population transcriptomics: Insights from Drosophila simulans,Drosophila sechellia and their hybrids. Genetica, 139(4), 465–477.
Montchamp-Moreau, C., Ogereau, D., Chaminade, N., Colard, A., & Aulard, S. (2006). Organization of the sex-ratio meiotic drive region in Drosophila simulans. Genetics, 174(3), 1365–1371.
Yassin, A., Araripe, L. O., Capy, P., Da Lage, J. L., Klaczko, L. B., Maisonhaute, C., Ogereau, D., & David, J. R. (2008). Grafting the molecular phylogenetic tree with morphological branches to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the genus Zaprionus (Diptera: Drosophilidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 47(3), 903–915.
Bastide, H., Cazemajor, M., Ogereau, D., Derome, N., Hospital, F., & Montchamp-Moreau, C. (2011). Fast Rise and Fall of Selfish Sex-Ratio X Chromosomes in Drosophila simulans: Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Phenotypic and Molecular Data. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 28(9), 2461–2470.
Yassin, A., Capy, P., Madi-Ravazzi, L., Ogereau, D., & David, J. R. (2008). DNA barcode discovers two cryptic species and two geographical radiations in the invasive drosophilid Zaprionus indianus. Molecular Ecology Resources, 8(3), 491–501.