CNRS researcher
Phone: +
Email: amir.yassin[*]universite-paris-saclay.fr
Web page: https://sites.google.com/view/amiryassinlab/
HDR, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France (2020); PhD, University of Paris XI, Orsay, France (2007); B.Sc., M.Sc., University of Alexandria, Egypt (2002, 2004)
Research interests
My research focuses on the systematics and evolutionary genetics of flies in the family Drosophilidae. Drosophila melanogaster is undoubtedly a genetics star, but our understanding of the morphological and ecological diversity of non-melanogaster drosophilids remains nebulous. I attempt to establish a comprehensive phylogenetic classification of the family based on molecular and morphological data. I also combine population and functional genomics approaches to unravel the genetic basis of diverging phenotypes, such as female-limited color dimorphism, genital coevolution, host plant specialization and insular speciation.
Most significant publications
(For a complete list, see Google Scholar)
1. Bastide H*, Legout H, Dogbo N, Prediger C, Ogereau D, Carcaud J, Filée J, Garnery L, Gilbert C, Requier F, Sandoz JC, Yassin A (2024) The genome of the blind bee louse fly reveals deep convergences with its social host and illuminates Drosophila origins. Current Biology 34:1122-1132. [*Corresponding author]
2. Yassin A, Debat V, Bastide H, Gidasweski N, David JR, Pool JE (2016) Recurrent specialization on a toxic fruit in an island Drosophila population. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA113:4771-4776.
3. Yassin A, Bastide H, Chung H, Veuille M, David JR, Pool JE (2016) Ancient balancing selection at tan underlies female colour dimorphism in Drosophila erecta. Nature Communications 7:10400.
4. Yassin A*, Delaney EK*, Reddiex AJ, Seher TD, Bastide H, Appleton NC, Lack JB, David JR, Chenoweth SF, Pool JE, Kopp A (2016) The pdm3 locus is a hotspot for recurrent evolution of female-limited color dimorphism in Drosophila. Current Biology 26:2412-2422. [* co-first author]
5. Yassin A (2013) Phylogenetic classification of the family Drosophilidae Rondani (Diptera): the role of morphology in the post-genomic era. Systematic Entomology 38:349-364.
Online talks
The life and work of Jean R. David
Quantifying the extent of homoplasy in Drosophila
The genomic basis of adaptation in Drosophila: sex, poison and other dramas
Grants and awards
2019-2026: ANR PRC « Bittertox: Bitter taste and detoxification » (co-PI)
2018-2024: ANR JCJC « Toxiphila: Genomic basis of convergent specialization on a toxic plant in two Drosophila species » (PI)
2017-2020: Richard Lounsbery Foundation (co-PI)
2007: Prix Jeune Chercheur, Fondation Bettencourt-Schueller