Land school in Cameroon

Philippe Le Gall and Pierre-Olivier Maquart are back from a land school in Cameroon. It was held from 13th to 22th of May. Teachers from IRD, CNRS and Universities of Cameroon and France plus GNO were present. It allowed to show students from the universities of Diala and Youndé what is insect biodiversity. It was …

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Found in Perspectives Agricoles

Laure Kaiser-Arnauld et Taia Fortuna published with a colleague from Arvalis an article published in Perspectives Agricoles. It is about the utilization of Cotesia to kill Sesamia. Research is still ungoing.

Scientific results

Héloïse Bastide (Pôle écologie) and collaborators published an article in Current Biology dealing with the genomic convergence between Braula and its host, the bee. This article was the besis for an article on the web site of CNRS EE: Bastide, H., Legout, H., Dogbo, N., Ogereau, D., Prediger, C., Carcaud, J., Filée, J., Garnery, …

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Ideev ‘s Technical and instrumentation platform

The new Plateau Technique Instrumentation en Écologie de l’IDEEV organizes its 1rst day of presentation thursday the 7th of March 2024 in room MC1-001 Rosalind Franklin (IDEEV). Inscription is free but compulsory  (dead line the 16 of February) : Contacts : Daniel Berveiller (ESE), Jean-Bernard Emond et Laurent Legendre (EGCE)

Rhodius, not only hematophagous?

J.-L. Da Lage and collaborators published an article in Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology describing the presence of palm tree DNA in the digestive content of a Rhodnius supposedly strictly hematophagous. An amylase, enzyme associated with plant degradation, was also identified in the bug. The hypothesis of a nutritional symbiosis more complex is proposed. The …

Rhodius, not only hematophagous? Read More »

Elise Verrier won the Prize l’Oreal-UNESCO

Elise Verrier, post doctoral researcher in EGCE, won the l’Oréal prize that is made to encourage young women that achieve highly ranked scientific work. Her work deals with bee colony death in Fabrice Requier’s team. She works on the beeconnected ( project lead by Fabrice Requier. Photograph: @Clémence Losfeld.


RESAMA 2023 organizes the 28th and 29th of November 2023 two days of conferences about animal welfare. To register: For more details:

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