Isabelle Germon

Membre du pôle Evolution et Comportement

Assistante ingénieur en Biologie

+33(0)1 69 15 49 84


Projets actuels ou récents de recherche auxquels je participe:

  • Au sein du projet mené par Didier Casane sur l’étude de la démographie d’Astyanax mexicanus (poisson cavernicole du Mexique), j’identifie chaque poisson par l’analyse de locus microsatellites, et les compare aux génotypes obtenus au cours des différentes missions pour évaluer le taux de recapture afin de déterminer la taille des populations (publication n°9).
  • J’ai participé à l’Etude de la voie de signalisation du métabolisme de l’acide rétinoïque et du patron d’expression des gènes impliqués, chez la petite roussette (Scyliorhinus canicula). Projet porté par Véronique Borday-Birraux (publication n°11)
  • Je collabore avec Laure Kaiser-Arnauld, Florence Mougel et Samuel Gornard du pôle Evolution et Ecologie dans un projet qui consiste à étudier la réponse immunitaire d’une chenille Sesamia nonagrioides, responsable de ravages sur le maïs, au parasitisme par la guêpe Cotesia typhae (publication n°13)
  • J’étudie l’asymétrie de l’analia genitalia de Drosophila pachea, par une approche expression de gènes, en collaboration avec Michael LANG


13– GORNARD S., MOUGEL F., GERMON I., BORDAY-BIRRAUX V., VENON P., DRABO S., KAISER L. (2024) Cellular dynamics of host-parasitoid interactions : Insights from the encapsulation process in a partially resistant host. Journal of insect physiology. Volume 155 , June 2024,104646 DOI. 10.1016/j.jinsphys.2024.104646

12– POLICARPO M., LEGENDRE L., GERMON I., LAFARGEAS P., ESPINASA L., RETAUX S. and CASANE D. (2024) The nature and distribution of non-functional alleles suggest only two independent events at the origins of Astyanax mexicanus cavefish populations. BMC Ecology and Evolution 24(1) : 41 DOI 10.1186/s12862-024-02226-1

11GERMON I., DELACHANAL C., MOUGEL F., MARTINAND-MARI C., DEBIAIS-THIBAUD M. and BORDAY-BIRRAUX. (2023) Interference with the retinoic acid signalling pathway inhibits the initiation of teeth and caudal primary scales in the small-spotted catshark Scyliorhinus canicula. PeerJ 11:e15896 DOI 10.7717/peerj.15896

10– RODRIGUEZ-MACHADO S., PONCE DE LEON J.L., GERMON I., CASANE D. and GARCIA-MACHADO E. (2023) Phylogeography of Limia vittata (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae): geographical distribution of mitochondrial haplotypes is comparable to other Cuban poeciliids. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (online) DOI 10.1093/biolinnean/blad040

9-LEGENDRE L., RODE J., GERMON I., PAVIE M., QUIVIGUER C., POLICARPO M., LECLERCQ J., PERE S., FUMEY J., HYACINTHE C., ORNELAS-GARCIA P., ESPINASA L., RETAUX S. and CASANE D. (2023) Genetic identification and reiterated captures suggests that the Astyanax mexicanus El Pachon cavefish population is closed and declining. Zoological Research 44(4): 701-711 DOI 10.24272/j.issn.2095- 8137.2022.481

8-GARCIA-MACHADO E., PONCE DE LEON J., GUTIERREZ-COSTA M., MICHEL-SALZAT A., GERMON I., CASANE D. (2020) Phylogeographic evidence that the distribution of cryptic euryhaline species in the Gambusia punctata  species group in Cuba was shaped by the archipelago geological history. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 144 (2020) 106712 DOI 10.1016/j.ympev.2019.106712

7-DEBIAIS-THIBAUD M., CHIORI R., ENAULT S., OULION S., GERMON I., MARTINAND-MARI., CASANE D. and BORDAY-BIRRAUX V. (2015) Tooth and scale morphogenesis in shark : an alternative process to the mammalian enamel knot system. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15:292 DOI 10.1186/s12862-015-0557-0

6-DEBIAIS-THIBAUD M., METCALFE C.J., POLLACK J., GERMON I., EKKER M., DEPEW M., LAURENTI P., BORDAY-BIRRAUX V., CASANE D. (2013) Heterogeneous conservation of Dlx paralog co-expression in jawed vertebrates. PLoS ONE 8(6): e68182 DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0068182

5-METCALFE C.J., FILEE J., GERMON I., JOSS J.M.P. and CASANE D. (2012) Evolution of the Australian lungfish (Neoceratodus forsteri) genome: a major role for CR1 and L2 LINE elements. Molecular Biology and Evolution 29(11):3529-3539 DOI 10.1093/molbev/mss159

4-DEBIAIS-THIBAUD M., GERMON I., LAURENTI P., CASANE D., BORDAY-BIRRAUX V. (2008) Low divergence in Dlx gene expression between dentitions of the medaka (Oryzias latipes) versus high level of expression shuffling in osteichtyans. Evolution and Development 10(4): 464-476

3-DEBIAIS-THIBAUD M., BORDAY-BIRRAUX V., GERMON I., BOURRAT F., METCALFE C.J., CASANE D., LAURENTI P. (2007) Development of oral and pharyngeal teeth in the medaka (Oryzias latipes): comparison of morphology and expression of eve1 gene. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 308(6): 693-708 DOI 10.1002/jez.b

2-BORDAY C., COUTINHO A., GERMON I., CHAMPAGNAT J., FORTIN G. (2006) Pre/post-otic rhombomeric interactions control the emergence of a fetal-like respiratory rhythm in the mouse embryo. J Neurobiol. 66(12):1285-301 DOI 10.1002/neu.20271

1-FORTIN G., BORDAY C., GERMON I., CHAMPAGNAT J. (2004)  Breathing at birth : influence of early developmental events. Adv Exp Med Biol. 551:143-8. DOI 10.1007/0-387-27023-x_22.

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