Evolution et Plasticite des Capacites Cognitives

Theme de Recheche

En interagissant avec son environnement, un individu est contraint à faire des choix quant aux informations qu’il va assimiler et quant au comportement à adopter selon les situations. Ainsi un individu doit balancer différentes sources d’information (informations sociales obtenues par interaction avec d’autres individus, information personnelles cumulées par l’individu lors de processus d’essais et d’erreurs…). Quels sont les facteurs qui influent sur cette balance ? Comment la sélection naturelle agit’ elle sur ces processus ? En intégrant à la fois des approches de biologie comportementales, de génétiques et de neurobiologie nous cherchons à comprendre comment interagissent ces différentes sources d’information et comment les individus adaptent leurs comportements à des conditions variées.

En prenant la drosophile comme modèle biologique, nous développons actuellement plusieurs thématiques:

Variations genetiques et developpementales des capacités cognitives

Trade off evolutif entre phases de mémoire

Effet de l’age parental sur le developpement des capacites cognitives


Interactions sociales et prises de décision chez Drosophila melanogaster

Influence de l’environnement social sur l’apprentissage olfactif.

Interactions sociales et apprentissage spatial :


Apprentissage social

Etude de la transmission sociale pour le choix du partenaire sexuel

Etude de la transmission sociale pour le choix du milieu de ponte.


Apprentissage multi sensoriel


Mots clés :

Apprentissage, Memoire, PLasticite Comportementale, Drosophila .

Les membres de l’équipe :

Chercheurs et Enseignants-chercheurs

Frédéric Mery, Chargé de recherche CNRS. Evolution et Plasticité des Capacités Cognitives.

Post Doctorants

Serafino Serafino Teseo, Post Doctorant ANR



Marine Marine Battesti
annesophie_philippe Anne Sophie Philippe

Ingénieurs et Techniciens

Celine Moreno, Ingénieure d’étude


Georges Hattab, Master Recherche Biologie informatique/bioinformatique


Mery F 2013 Natural Variation in Learning and Memory Current Opinion in Neurobiology (in press)

Kohn NR, Reaume CJ, Burns J, Sokolowski MB, Mery F 2013 Social environment influences performance in a cognitive task in natural variants of the foraging gene Plos One (in press).


Foucaud J, Philippe AS, Moreno C, Mery F 2013 A genetic polymorphism affecting personal versus public information use in a spatial learning task in Drosophila melanogaster Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B (in press).


Lagasse F, Moreno C, Preat T, Mery F 2012 Functional and evolutionary trade-offs co-occur between two consolidated memory phases in Drosophila melanogaster Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 279 (1744):4015-4023.


J.G. Burns, N. Svetec, L. Rowe, F. Mery, M. Dolan, W.T. Boyce, M.B. Sokolowski. 2012. Gene-environment interplay in Drosophila melanogaster: Chronic food deprivation in early-life affects adult exploratory and fitness traits. Proc. Natl Acad Sci USA 109: 17239-17244.


Battesti M, Moreno C, Joly D and Mery F. 2012 Spread of social information and dynamics of social transmission within Drosophila. Current Biology 22(4) 309-313.


Hutchinson, J. M. C. Stephens D. W., Bateson M., Couzin I., Dukas R., Giraldeau L., Hills T. T., Mery, F. and Winterhalder, B. 2012. Evolution of Search, Adaptation and Phylogeny. In: Cognitive Search: Evolution, Algorithms, and the Brain.


Burns J, Foucaud J, Mery F 2011 Costs of memory: lessons from “mini” brains Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 278(1707): 923-929.


Reaume C, Sokolowski MB, Mery F 2011 A natural genetic polymorphism affects retroactive interference in Drosophila melanogaster Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 278(1702): 91-98.


Foucaud J, Burns J, Mery F 2010 Use of spatial information and search strategies in a water maze analog in Drosophila melanogaster PLoS ONE 5(10)


Danchin E, Blanchet S, Mery F and Wagner RH 2010 Do invertebrates have culture? Communicative & Integrative Biology 3(4) 303-305


Mery F 2010. Book Review: Cognitive Ecology II. Quarterly Review of Biology (in press)


Burns J and Mery F 2010 Transgenerational memory effect of ageing in Drosophila, Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23(4): 678-686

Mery F and Burns J 2010 Behavioural plasticity: an interaction between evolution and experience Evolutionary Ecology 24(3): 571-583


Mery F, Varela S, Danchin E, Blanchet S, Parejo D, Coolen I and Wagner R 2009 Public versus personal information for mate copying in an invertebrate Current Biology 19(9):730-734.


Lagasse F, Devaud JM and Mery F 2009 “A switch from cycloheximide-resistant consolidated memory to cycloheximide-sensitive reconsolidation and extinction in DrosophilaJournal of Neuroscience 29(7): 2225-2230.


Mery F 2008 “Evolutionary biology of learning in insect: the search for food” in “insect taste” (ed. Newland P, Cobb M, Marion-Poll F, Taylor Francis P 243-256).


Mery F, Belay AT, So AK-C, Sokolowski MB, Kawecki TJ 2007 “Natural polymorphism affecting learning and memory in Drosophila Proc. Natl Acad Sci USA 104:13051–13055.


Mery F, Pont J, Preat T and Kawecki TJ 2007 ‘’Experimental evolution of olfactory memory in Drosophila melanogaster’’ Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 80 (4): 399-405


Mery F. 2006 “Aging and its differential effects on consolidated memory forms in DrosophilaExperimental Gerontology 42(1-2): 99-101

Kolss M., Kraaijeveld, A. R. Mery F. and Kawecki T. J. 2006 “No trade-off between learning ability and parasitoid resistance in Drosophila melanogaster”. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 19 (4): 1359-1363

Kawecki, T. J. and Mery F. 2006 “Genetically idiosyncratic responses of Drosophila melanogaster populations to selection for improved learning ability”. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 19 (4): 1265-1274

Mery, F. and Kawecki, T. J. 2005 “A cost of long-term memory in Drosophila”. Science 308: 1148-1148.

Mery, F. and Kawecki, T. J. 2004 “An operating cost of learning in Drosophila melanogaster” Animal Behavior 68(3): 589-598.

Mery, F. and Kawecki, T. J. 2004 “The effect of learning on experimental evolution of resource preference in Drosophila melanogasterEvolution 58(4): 757-767


Mery, F. and Kawecki, T.J. 2003 “A fitness cost of learning ability in Drosophila melanogaster” Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 270, 2465-2469.


Kawecki, T. J. and Mery, F. 2003 “Evolutionary conservatism of geographic variation in host preference in Callosobruchus maculatusEcological Entomology 28:449-456.


Mery F, Kawecki TJ. 2002 “Experimental evolution of learning ability in fruit flies” Proc. Natl Acad Sci USA 99: 14274-14279.


Mery F, Joly D. 2002 “Multiple mating, sperm transfer and oviposition pattern in the giant sperm species, Drosophila bifurca.” Journal of Evolutionary Biology 15 (1): 49-56.


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