Résumé du poster d’A. Cornille
Programme 10ème JIDEEV 24 Janvier 2019
The Institut Diversité Ecologie et Evolution du Vivant
Welcomes you to the 10th annual event on thursday, January 24, 2019 in the IHES conference room in Bures-sur-Yvette.
Bienvenue sur le site de la 10ème JIDEEV! Elle aura lieu le jeudi 24 janvier 2019 a l’IHES à Bures-sur-Yvette.
IDEEV is a Research Federation composed of the laboratories and research teams working on Ecology and Evolution within Paris-Saclay University.
Application to the call of proposals until Thursday November 15, 2018.
[contact-form-7 id=”9590″ title=”2019 IDEEV day – Thursday, January 24, 2019″]