Maître de conférences à Université Paris-Cité
+33 (0)1 69 15 49 63
Coresponsable de la Licence Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre à Université Paris Cité
Codirectrice des études de la L1 Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre à Université Paris Cité
Thématiques d’enseignement en Licence (L1-L3) et M1
Biologie du développement des animaux
Régénération chez les animaux
Biodiversité marine
Thèmes De Recherche
Caractérisation moléculaire de l’asymétrie gauche/droite des pièces génitales mâles chez la drosophile
Evolution des patrons d’expression de facteurs de transcription chez les vertébrés : exemple des familles dlx et evx ; Evolution des mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans le développement des dents des vertébrés : étude chez le poisson-zèbre, le médaka et la petite roussette (scyliorhinus canicula ).
En collaboration avec le pôle écologie:
Caractérisation histologique et immunohistochimique du processus de résistance développé par la sésamie du maïs au parasitisme par une petite guêpe, Cotesia typhae .
Gornard, S., Mougel, F., Germon, I., Borday-Birraux, V., Venon, P., Drabo, S., & Kaiser, L. (2024). Cellular dynamics of host − parasitoid interactions: Insights from the encapsulation process in a partially resistant host.
Journal of Insect Physiology ,
155 , 104646.
Germon, I., Delachanal, C., Mougel, F., Martnand-Mari, C., Debiais-Thibaud, M., & Borday-Birraux, V. (2023). Interference with the retinoic acid signalling pathway inhibits the initiation of teeth and caudal primary scales in the small-spotted catshark Scyliorhinus canicula.
PeerJ .
Debiais-Thibaud, M., Chiori, R., Enault, S., Oulion, S., Germon, I., Martinand-Mari, C., Casane, D., & Borday-Birraux, V. (2015). Tooth and scale morphogenesis in shark: an alternative process to the mammalian enamel knot system.
BMC Evolutionary Biology ,
15 , 292.
Enault, S., Muñoz, D. N., Silva, W. T. A. F., Borday-Birraux, V., Bonade, M., Oulion, S., Ventéo, S., Marcellini, S., & Debiais-Thibaud, M. (2015). Molecular footprinting of skeletal tissues in the catshark Scyliorhinus canicula and the clawed frog Xenopus tropicalis identifies conserved and derived features of vertebrate calcification.
Frontiers in Genetics ,
6 .
Gibert, Y., Samarut, E., Pasco-Viel, E., Bernard, L., Borday-Birraux, V., Sadier, A., Labbé, C., Viriot, L., & Laudet, V. (2015). Altered retinoic acid signalling underpins dentition evolution.
Proceedings. Biological Sciences ,
282 (1802).
Debiais-Thibaud, M., Metcalfe, C. J., Pollack, J., Germon, I., Ekker, M., Depew, M., Laurenti, P., Borday-Birraux, V., & Casane, D. (2013). Heterogeneous Conservation of Dlx Paralog Co-Expression in Jawed Vertebrates.
8 (6), e68182.
Compagnucci, C., Debiais-Thibaud, M., Coolen, M., Fish, J., Griffin, J. N., Bertocchini, F., Minoux, M., Rijli, F. M., Borday-Birraux, V., Casane, D., Mazan, S., & Depew, M. J. (2013). Pattern and polarity in the development and evolution of the gnathostome jaw: Both conservation and heterotopy in the branchial arches of the shark, Scyliorhinus canicula.
Developmental Biology ,
377 (2), 428–448.
Debiais-Thibaud, M., Oulion, S., Bourrat, F., Laurenti, P., Casane, D., & Borday-Birraux, V. (2011). The homology of odontodes in gnathostomes: insights from Dlx gene expression in the dogfish, Scyliorhinus canicula.
BMC Evolutionary Biology ,
11 (1), 307.
Oulion, S., Borday-Birraux, V., Debiais-Thibaud, M., Mazan, S., Laurenti, P., & Casane, D. (2011). Evolution of repeated structures along the body axis of jawed vertebrates, insights from the Scyliorhinus canicula Hox code.
Evolution & Development ,
13 (3), 247–259.
Debiais-Thibaud, M., Borday-Birraux, V., Germon, I., Bourrat, F., Metcalfe, C. J., Casane, D., & Laurenti, P. (2007). Development of oral and pharyngeal teeth in the medaka (Oryzias latipes): comparison of morphology and expression of eve1 gene.
Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part B, Molecular and Developmental Evolution ,
308 (6), 693–708.
Borday-Birraux, V., Van der Heyden, C., Debiais-Thibaud, M., Verreijdt, L., Stock, D. W., Huysseune, A., & Sire, J.-Y. (2006). Expression of Dlx genes during the development of the zebrafish pharyngeal dentition: evolutionary implications.
Evolution & Development ,
8 (2), 130–141.
Verreijdt, L., Debiais-Thibaud, M., Borday-Birraux, V., Van Der Heyden, C., Sire, J.-Y., & Huysseune, A. (2006). Expression of thedlx gene family during formation of the cranial bones in the zebrafish (Danio rerio): Differential involvement in the visceral skeleton and braincase.
Developmental Dynamics ,
235 (5), 1371–1389.
Autres publications
Avaron F., Thaëron-Antono C., Beck C.W., Borday-Birraux V. , Géraudie J., Casane D. and Laurenti P. (2003) Comparison of even-skipped related gene expression pattern in vertebrates shows an association between expression domain loss and modification of selective constraints on sequences. Evolution and Development 5(2):145-156
Geraudie J. and Borday-Birraux V. (2003) Posterior hoxa genes expression during zebrafish bony fin ray development and regeneration suggests their involvement in scleroblast differentiation. Development Genes and Evolution 213(4): 182-186
Borday V. , Thaeron C., Avaron F., Brulfert A., Casane D., Laurenti P. and Geraudie J. (2001) evx1 transcription in bony fin rays segment boundaries leads to a reiterated pattern during zebrafish fin development and regeneration. Developmental Dynamics 220(2):91-98
Domãnguez Del Toro E., Borday V. , Davenne M., Neun R., Rijli F. M. and Champagnat J. (2001) Generation of a novel functional neuronal circuit in Hoxa1 mutant mice. Journal of Neurosciences 21(15): 5637-5642
Thaeron C., Avaron F., Casane D., Borday V. , Thisse B., Thisse C., Boulekbache H. and Laurenti P. (2000) Zebrafish evx1 is dynamically expressed during embryogenesis in subsets of interneurones, posterior gut and urogenital system. Mechanisms of Development 99:167-172
Jacquin T.D., Sadoc G., Borday V. and Champagnat J. (1999) Pontine and medullary control of the respiratory activity in the trigeminal and facial nerves in the newborn mouse: an in vitro study. The European Journal of Neurosciences 11(1): 213-222
Borday V. , Foutz A.S., Nordholm L. and Denavit-Saubiã M. (1998) Respiratory effects of glutamate antagonists in neonate and adult mammals. European Journal of Pharmacology 348(2): 235-246
Borday V. , Fortin G. and Champagnat J. (1997) Early ontogeny of rhythm generation and control of breathing. Respiration Physiology 110(2): 245-249
Borday V. , Kato F. and Champagnat J. (1997) A ventral pontine pathway promotes rhythmic activity in medulla of neonate mice. NeuroReport 8(17): 3679-3683
Erickson J.T., Conover J.C., Borday V. , Champagnat J., Barbacid M., Yancopoulos G.D. and Katz D. (1996) Mice lacking Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor exhibit visceral sensory neuron losses distinct from mice lacking NT4 and display a severe developmental deficit in control of breathing. Journal of Neurosciences 16(17): 5361-5371
Jacquin T.D., Borday V. , Schneider-Maunoury S., Topilko P., Ghilini G., Kato F., Charnay P. and Champagnat J. (1996) Reorganization of pontine rhythmogenic neuronal networks in Krox-20 knock-out mice. Neuron 17(4): 747-758