Former Members Evolution and Genomes


  • Jean David , Emeritus CNRS research director
  • Jean-Michel Rossignol, Emeritus Professor University Paris-Saclay
  • Sylvie Aulard, Assistant Professor Sorbonne University (Pierre et Marie Curie – P6)
  • Nicole Chaminade, CNRS Assistant Engineer
  • Jacques-Deric Rouault,CNRS Researcher


  • Jean-Tristan Brandenbourg, Engineer on genomics of transposable element in drosophila.
  • Pierre Gérard, Post-doctoral researcher on ANR SexChroDrive. Genetic dissection of sex chromosome meiotic drive in Drosophila simulans. Currently: Assistant Professor at AgroParisTech
  • Michele Schiffer, CNRS Post-doctorate fellow. Evolutionary systematics of drosophildae. Currently working at The University of Melbourne with Professor Ary Hoffmann. The effect of cold stress on hsp expression in drosophila.
  • Anna Popkova, CNRS Post-doctorate fellow. Candidate genes for the sex-ratio segregation distortion.
  • Cécile Campagne, Engineer on the ANR project TRANSBIODIV. Neutral and functional trans-specific biodiversity: theoretical developments and quantification on model organisms. Molecular polymorphism, phylogeography, molecular basis of adaptation.
  • Michel Cazemajor, researcher on the ANR project SELMULTILOC. Population genetics of the sex-ratio segregation distortion system.


  • Joseph Guilliet Doctoral School “Structure et Dynamique des Systèmes Vivants”, University Paris-Saclay Supervisor : Jonathan Filée
  • Andreas Odorico Doctoral School “Structure et Dynamique des Systèmes Vivants”, University Paris-Saclay Evolution of gene regulatory networks: theoretical models vs. empirical data. Supervisor : Arnaud Le Rouzic PhD obtained on 2019, december 12
  • Cécile Courret Doctoral School “Structure et Dynamique des Systèmes Vivants”, University Paris-Saclay Molecular bases of the genetic conflict caused by sex chromosome segregation distortion in Drosophila simulans. Supervisor : Catherine Montchamp-Moreau. PhD obtained on 2019, december 2 Currently: Post-doctoral position in USA
  • Maryem Bouallegue Doctoral School “Structure et Dynamique des Systèmes Vivants” University Paris-Saclay/University of Tunis. Supervisor : Pierre Capy Currently: Assistant Professor in Tunisia
  • Estelle Rünneburger Doctoral School “Structure et Dynamique des Systèmes Vivants” (Paris-sud 11 University) Evolution des réseaux de gènes. Causes et conséquences de l’évolution du phénotype. Supervisor : Arnaud Le Rouzic PhD obtained on 2016
  • Bastien Saint-Léandre Doctoral School “Structure et Dynamique des Systèmes Vivants” (Paris-sud 11 University) Regulation of transposable elements via the piRNA pathway: Differences between male and female germlines and consequennces on transposition dynamics. Supervisor : Pierre Capy and Aurélie Hua-Van. PhD obtained in 2016 Currently: Post-doctoral position in Lausanne
  • Quentin Helleu Doctoral School “Structure et Dynamique des Systèmes Vivants” (Paris-sud 11 University) Cartographie génétique d’éléments distorteurs chez Drosophila simulans. Supervisor : Catherine Montchamp-Moreau. PhD obtained in 2015 Currently: MNHN Assistant Professor
  • Thibault Scalvenzi Doctoral School Genes, Genomes, Cells (Paris-sud 11 University). Supervisor: Nicolas Pollet
  • Héloïse Bastide Doctoral School Genes, Genomes, Cells (Paris-sud 11 University).Evolutionary history of sex-ratio segregation distortion in Drosophila simulans”. Population molecular polyporphism, phylogeography. Supervisor : Catherine Montchamp-Moreau. Currently : Assistant Professor at University Paris-Saclay
  • Delphine Legrand PhD student, Doctoral School Genes, Genomes, Cells (Paris-sud 11 University). .Phylogeography and evolution of drosophila species of the melanogaster subgroup in the Indian Ocean archipelagos. Molecular Polymorphism, phylogeography, molecular basis of adaptation Currently: CNRS researcher
  • Lucie Fouvry Doctoral School Genes, Genomes, Cells (Paris-sud 11 University).Molecular basis and evolution of sex-ratio segregation distortion. Supervisor : Catherine Montchamp-Moreau. Currently High school teacher.
  • Gabriel Da Luz Wallau Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – BRAZIL Evolution and horizontal transfer of mariner element in drosophila sequenced genomes. Supervisor : Pierre Capy/Elgion Loreto (Brazil) Currently: Researcher in Brazil
  • Thibaud Boutin Doctoral School Genes, Genomes, Cells (Paris-sud 11 University). Long term invasion dynamics of transposable elements, a theoretical approach. PhD obtained in 2010, september 16 Supervisor: Pierre Capy
  • Sophie Picot Doctoral School Genes, Genomes, Cells (Paris-sud 11 University). Activity of the transposable element mariner in natural populations of Drosophila simulans Supervisor: Pierre Capy & Aurélie Hua-Van PhD obtained in 2008
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