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Nattier, R., C. Capdevielle-Dulac, C. Cassilde, A. Couloux, C. Cruaud, G. Lachaume, G. Lamas, J.-F. Silvain & P. Blandin (2017) Phylogeny and diversification of the cloud forest Morpho sulkowskyi group (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) in the evolving Andes. Zoologica Scripta, 46, 459-472. 10.1111/zsc.12226.
Le Ru, B., C. Capdevielle-Dulac, B. K. Musyoka, M. Goftishu, Y. Assefa, R. Ndemah, R. Molo, G. Chipabika, D. Conlong, G. Ong’amo & G. J. Kergoat (2017) Molecular phylogenetics and definition of the Acrapex minima Janse group (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Apameini, Sesamiina) with the description of four new species from the Afrotropics. Annales De La Societe Entomologique De France, 53, 219-235. 10.1080/00379271.2017.1332959.
Le Ru, B., C. Capdevielle-Dulac, B. K. Musyoka, B. Pallangyo, M. Njaku, M. Goftishu, Y. Assefa, M. Sezonlin, G. Ong’amo & G. J. Kergoat (2017) Phylogeny and systematics of the Acrapex apicestriata (Bethune-Baker, 1911) species complex (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Noctuinae, Apameini, Sesamiina) with the description of eight new species from the Afrotropics. Annales De La Societe Entomologique De France, 53, 106-130. 10.1080/00379271.2017.1320586.
Le Ru, B., C. Capdevielle-Dulac, B. Musyoka, B. Pallangyo, M. Njaku, O. Mubenga, G. Chipabika, R. Ndemah, G. Bani, R. Molo, G. Ong’Amo, G. Kergoat, (2017) Phylogenetic analysis and systematics of the Acrapex unicolora Hampson species complex
Kaiser, L., J. Fernandez-Triana, C. Capdevielle-Dulac, C. Chantre, M. Bodet, F. Kaoula, R. Benoist, P.-A. Calatayud, S. Dupas, E. A. Herniou, R. Jeannette, J. Obonyo, J.-F. Silvain & B. Le Ru (2017) Systematics and biology of Cotesia typhae sp n. (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Microgastrinae), a potential biological control agent against the noctuid Mediterranean corn borer, Sesamia nonagrioides. Zookeys, 105-136. 10.3897/zookeys.682.13016.
Campagne, P., C. Capdevielle-Dulac, R. Pasquet, S. J. Cornell, M. Kruger, J. F. Silvain, B. LeRu & J. Van den Berg (2017) Genetic hitchhiking and resistance evolution to transgenic Bt toxins: insights from the African stalk borer Busseola fusca (Noctuidae). Heredity, 118, 330-339. 10.1038/hdy.2016.104.
Benoist, R., C. Chantre, C. Capdevielle-Dulac, M. Bodet, F. Mougel, P. A. Calatayud, S. Dupas, E. Huguet, R. Jeannette, J. Obonyo, C. Odorico, J. F. Silvain, B. Le Ru & L. Kaiser (2017a) Relationship between oviposition, virulence gene expression and parasitism success in Cotesia typhae nov sp parasitoid strains. Genetica, 145, 469-479. 10.1007/s10709-017-9987-5.
Assefa, Y., M. Goftishu, C. Capdevielle-Dulac & B. Le Ru (2017) Clarifying the source of Conicofrontia sesamoides Hampson (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) population in South African sugarcane using morphological identification and mitochondrial DNA analysis. Phytoparasitica, 45, 45-55. 10.1007/s12600-017-0566-1.
Kergoat, G. J., Toussaint, E. F. A., Capdevielle-Dulac, C., Clamens, A.-L., Ong’amo, G., Conlong, D., van Den Berg, J., Cugala, D., Pallangyo, B., Mubenga, O., Chipabika, G., Ndemah, R., Sezonlin, M., Bani, G., Molo, R., Ali, A., Calatayud, P.-A., Kaiser, L., Silvain, J.-F. and Le Ru, B. (2015), Integrative taxonomy reveals six new species related to the Mediterranean corn stalk borer Sesamia nonagrioides (Lefèbvre) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Sesamiina). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 175: 244–270. doi: 10.1111/zoj.12275
Kaiser L, Le Ru BP, Kaoula F, Paillusson C, Capdevielle-Dulac C, Obonyo JO, Herniou EA, Jancek S, Branca A, Calatayud P-A, Silvain J-F and Dupas S (2015) Ongoing ecological speciation in Cotesia sesamiae a biological control agent of cereal stem borers. Evolutionary Applications doi: 101111/eva12260.
Le Ru BP, Capdevielle-Dulac C, Toussaint EFA, Conlong D, Van den Berg J, Pallangyo B, Ong’amo G, Chipabika G, Molo R, Overholt WA, Cuda JP and Kergoat GJ (2014) Integrative taxonomy of Acrapex stem borers (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Apameini): combining morphology and Poisson Tree Process analyses. Invertebrate Systematics 28:451-475.
Chardonnet F, Capdevielle-Dulac C, Chouquet B, Joly N, Harry M, Le Ru B, Silvain JF, Kaiser L (2014) Food searching behaviour of a Lepidoptera pest species is modulated by the foraging gene polymorphism. Journal of Experimental Biology 217:3465-3473. doi:10.1242/jeb.108258
Felix AE, Calatayud PA, Le Ru B, Capdevielle-Dulac C, Ong’amo G, Silvain JF, Frerot B (2013) To be or not to be a species: use of reproductive isolation experiments and genetic analysis to clarify the taxonomic status of two Busseola (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) species in Kenya. Annales de la société entomologique de France 49(3) : 345-354
Toussaint EFA, Condamine FL, Kergoat GJ, Capdevielle-Dulac C, Barbut J, Silvain JF, Le Ru BP (2012) Palaeoenvironmental Shifts Drove the Adaptive Radiation of a Noctuid Stemborer Tribe (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Apameini) in the Miocene. Plos one 7(7)
Arca M, Capdevielle-Dulac C, Villemant C, Mougel F, Arnold G, Silvain JF (2012) Development of microsatellite markers for the yellow-legged Asian hornet, Vespa velutina, a major threat for European bees. Conservation genetics resources 4(2) : 283-286
Torres-Leguizamon M, Dupas S, Dardon D, Gomez Y, Nino L, Carnero A, Padilla A, Merlin I, Fossoud A, Zeddam JL, Lery X, Capdevielle-Dulac C, Dangles O, Silvain JF (2011) Inferring native range and invasion scenarios with mitochondrial DNA: the case of T. solanivora successive north-south step-wise introductions across Central and South America. Biological invasions 13(7) : 1505-1519
Torres-Leguizamon M, Solignac M, Vautrin D, Capdevielle Dulac C, Dupas S, Silvain J.-F (2009) Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellites in the Potato Tuber Moth Tecia solanivora (Povolny, 1973) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). Molecular Ecology Resources 9(4) : 1167-1169
Ong’amo G.O, Le Rü B.P, Moyal P, Calatayud P.-A, LeGall P, Ogol C.K.P.O, Kokwaro E.D, Capdevielle Dulac C, Silvain J.-F (2008)Host plant diversity of Sesamia calamistis: cytochrome b gene sequences reveal local genetic différentiation. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 128(1): 154-161
Puillandre N, Dupas S, Zeddam J-L, Dangles O, Barbin K, Capdevielle-Dulac C, Torres-Leguizamon M and Silvain J-F (2008) Genetic bottleneck in invasive species: the potato tuber moth adds to the list. Biological Invasions10(3): 319-333